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Prof. Jenny Lupin

Favorite HP Book?

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My favorite HP book is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I think I just liked how action packed it was, as well as the whole Triwizard Tournament thing. 

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My favourite Hp book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It is in this book that evil is finally overcome by good, and despite the difficulties and challenges that Harry, Ron and Hermione face, the still achieve what they set out to achieve. They did not give up when things got tough or upsetting, and maybe this is something that we can all learn from.

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I've thought about this for quite a while now and I think my favorite is The Order of the Phoenix (no, not because it's the longest). I guess I like it the most mostly for the battle at the end which is awesome and since it also includes one of my favorite Bellatrix scenes XD

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I can go on at great length about how much I love Philosopher's Stone for its sense of wonder and jewel bright colours. I just find something incredibly comforting in its simplicity and rich descriptions. I don't even think it's the lack of danger or darkness that elevates it for me but just how well constructed it is. As a kid I adored the descriptions and concept and as an adult I can respect how much magic and excitement is packed into a relatively small number of pages.

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I agree with Ivey on this one. My favorite is also the Order of the Phoenix. I like this particular book the most because the students take it upon themselves to learn how to defend the school from the rising evil. 

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It's very difficult to pick my favourite but I'd have to say Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban because it has so many unexpected plot twists! I don't know about any of you but it kept me on my toes, it was a book I refused to put down unless I absolutely had to! We learned a lot about Harry's past and saw a different side to some of our favourite characters. New bonds were made (Harry and Sirius) and bonds were broken (Ron and scabbers). It was, in my opinion, the best book in the whole series (and best movie)

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My favorite is Prisoner of Azkaban because, when re-reading it, it’s fun to see Harry’s reaction to Sirius’s animagus following him around and we know something important that the characters don’t, which is fun. 

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My favorite has to be The Deathly Hallows, not only because it brings everything to an end but because is the perfect sum of action, romance, friendship, suspense and sadness <3

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I can't actually choose, there all GREAT but, Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, cause the adventure starts there, and then it has this line : Yer a wizard, Harry!!

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My favourite is Prisoner of Azkaban cause i found the tme turner is so awesome and the only movie where we did noy have to worry about Voldemort!

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My favorite book from the series is probably Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. I like it because it's one of the books where there's not an obvious big bad or life threatening adventures, at least not until the very end. I enjoy seeing the characters be ordinary teenagers something that was perhaps lacking in previous installments. The discovery of the story behind Voldemort's great too.

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My favorites are most definitely Half-blood prince, Philosophers stone and Order of the phoenix. I really like how the half blood Prince was based on Severus snape (my favo character) and showed more of him. The philosophers stone is obviously  the 1st book, which was what got me into Harry Potter. And the Order of the phoenix is The best  thing there is. I literally cried throughout the end.

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My favorite is definitely the deathly hallows because all the characters go through a lot but also understand what they're about and all that.

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My favorite is the 7th book. There is lots of tention and suspense happening. I love the sene where Harry goes into the woods for Voldrmort to 'kill' him. then I love how Voldey says, 'I'VE KILLED HARRY POTTER!!!' but then Harry gets up AND IS NOT DEAD AFTER ALL! So thats why it is my favorite.

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My favorite book/movie is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! Sirius is second on my list of favorite characters!

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Prisoner of Azkaban.

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I think it would be the Philosopher's Stone and the Goblet of Fire.

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