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Lorainia Riverrider

Junior Prefects
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About Lorainia Riverrider

  • Birthday November 9

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  1. There is so much to explore around here. As you walk around, you come across a building that looks to be abandoned. You look around for any sign of what the building may be, but find none. You decide to explore the building. You pull the door handle and to your surprise the door creaks open. What do you find next? To play this game, Player one answers the prompt and then post a new one. For example: Player 1: A Dark and dusty room. Do you keep exploring are run out of the building quickly? Player 2: keep exploring. What do you find next? To earn 20 rubies you must post at 4 times (5 rubies for each post). Please do not post back-to-back. Wait for at least one person to post before you post again. Make your post by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  2. It is time to begin decorating the tables. The major has asked for the public's help with decorating. They would like for each of you to make a hand-made decoration ( or share directions of a handmade decoration) and explain why you chose that specific one. All images should be a maximum of 600 x 600 pixels and descriptions should be at least 75 words. TO earn 20 rubies, make sur you post by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  3. Those sending in correct answers Galena May Anne-Marie Gagne Luna Ravenlong River Fenwick Adeline Morior
  4. I hope you've gotten your taste for trivia, because there are 15 more questions waiting for you this week. Here are 15 questions about the Hogwarts Express. You’ll notice they range in difficulty from easy to hard. No matter how easy or hard they are though, they’re all worth 1 ruby each (so there are 15 up for grabs in total). Please send the answers to me and Prof. Maxim Trevelyan via PM. To earn up to 15 rubies, please send us your answers by 23:59 HOL-time on the 30th of September Easy 1. What day does the Hogwarts Express Leave the Station? 2. What time does the Hogwarts Express leave the station? 3.Who does Harry sit with during his first ride on the Hogwarts Express? 4. True or false, Harry sees Malfoy for the first time on the Hogwarts Express. 5. Does Prof. Dumbledore meet the students on the Hogwarts express? Medium 6. Which professor does Harry meet on the Hogwarts express in the Prisoner of Azkaban? 7. What was Neville Longbottom searching for during the first train ride? 8. Why did professor Slughorn ride on the train? 9. Which 3 students did Harry Share a compartment within the 5th book? 10. Which group stopped the train in what would of been Harry’s 7th year? Hard 11.How much does Harry pay for his snack lot on his first ride on the Hogwarts Express? 12. What does Remus Lupin give Harry on the train in the Prisoner of Azkaban? 13.Which card did Harry get from his first Chocolate Frog? 14. What spell did Malfoy use on Harry in the Half Blood Prince? 15. In the order of the Phoenix, what plant did Neville bring on the train?
  5. It's time to board the Hogwarts Express! Whether you are a returning student or it's your first ride, we would like to hear from you. For this discussion we'd like to hear all about your ride experience. You could include: Which compartment you sit in and who you sit with What you buy off the food trolley If anything strange happens during the ride You’ll need to write at least 100 words for full credit. To earn 10 rubies, please post your response below by 23:59 HOL-time on the 30th of September.
  6. Welcome to Sir Nick's Notices! This is the place you can wish someone a happy birthday, congratulate a fellow student on a job well done, and announce your absences.
  7. Welcome to Peeve's Place! Play games and make mischief! You are welcome to post your own games, just make sure they are HOL appropriate. If you are not sure if a game is appropriate, feel free to PM Prof. Sky Alton, Prof. Maxim Trevelyan, Janne Halla, or myself to ask. Spamming is semi-encouraged in Peeves' Place. However, please do not post back-to-back. Wait for at least one person to post before you post again. Also, keep in mind any posts made here do not count toward your post total. Fun is always expected and encouraged in Peeves' Place.
  8. Completed cryptograms: River Fenwick Prof. Amy Lupin Prof. Will Lestrange Dibyarup James Potter Prof. Felicia Hartwick Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis Ivy Grey Galena May Ellie Vernez Lex Green Adeline Morior Lexa Winslow
  9. As this activity is partly about games, we thought it’d be fun to play some. For this task, we’d like you to post 5 times in a couple of the games we have over in Peeves Place – What Am I and Duck, Duck Goose. How many times you post in each game is up to you. https://gryff.net/index.php?/topic/3763/-what-am-i/ https://gryff.net/index.php?/topic/2815-duck-duck-goose/ Remember not to post back to back - you need to wait for someone else to post before posting again. Once you’ve made your posts, reply to this topic to say how many times you posted in each thread. You’ll earn 10 rubies and the chance to pick cards for this task if you do it before 23:59 HOL-time on the 18th of August. The cards for this task are Three of Hearts, Eight of Clubs, and Seven of Spades. Once you’ve completed the task, please pick two (2) and let us know which via the Exploding Snap message chain you should already have with us.
  10. Everyone has heard of Wizard Chess. You may have even played a couple of games. Now is you chance to design your own wizard chess board. To earn 10 rubies and the chance to choose cards for this task, please either color the board below or describe your ideal wizard chess board in at least 100 words by 23:59 HOL-time on the 18th of August. The cards for this task are Nine of Clubs, Nine of Spades, and Eight of Clubs. Once you’ve completed the task, please pick two (2) and let us know which via the Exploding Snap message chain you should already have with us. https://postimg.cc/m1ChY2Tp
  11. We will start this week with a game called Magical Symbols. Magical Symbols has been printed in the Daily profit many times. It is played by drawing and recognizing symbols. What that looks like here is a cryptogram for you to solve. https://i.postimg.cc/HkyRJ5pr/Explodingsnapcryptogram.png To earn 10 rubies and the chance to choose cards for this task, please send us a DM with the completed cryptogram via the Exploding Snap message chain you should already have with us.by 23:59 HOL-time on the 18th of August. The cards for this task are Five of Hearts, Eight of Diamonds, and Five of Clubs. Once you’ve completed the task, please pick two (2) and let us know which via the Exploding Snap message chain you should already have with us.
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