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  1. Yesterday
  2. 1. Band. People love music and I think having a live band will bring in many visitors. We could get a band like "The Weird Sisters" or "The Hobgoblins". They would need to be booked as soon as possible otherwise they might not be availble. People could also get into costumes for the band. 2. Puzzles and coloring. This could attract the visitors who prefer the quiet. Not everyone likes loud music or might just want a break from the crowd, so they could join in solving puzzles and coloring. 3. Games. Most people like playing games of some kind. There could be wizarding games like Gobstones, Exploding Snap, Wizard Skittles, among other. There will no doubt be some muggle-borns in the crowd who might rather play a game they are more familiar with. So we could have some muggle games too like Bingo, Snakes and Ladders, deck of cards for card games, etc. The choices are endless as long as there are no muggle technology involved just in case. 4. Haunted tour. Being October, we need to have some kind of scariness. Most wizarding people know about ghosts and have seen them around Hogwarts. Most of them aren't that scary, but maybe we can create a haunted tour that is scary even for wizarding people. The ghosts can be made scarier, there could also be other spirit-like creatures, like poltergeists. Everyone likes a good scare, especially this time of year. 5. Corn maze. Corn mazes can be a lot of fun. I would recommend that no one enters alone so they don't get too lost.
  3. 1. Guided Tour- Have a tour around Godric Hollow, learning about all it's history and ending at Godric Gryffindors late home. You would then be given the opportunity to purchase souvenirs, such as keyring, toys, statues, Gryffindor themed treats. 2. Festival of music- Have live music playing where people can dance and mingle. Alcohol and soft drinks included aswell as snacks. Carnival games and rides will also be available. Suitable for all ages. 3. A best dressed competition- You will have the opportunity to compete in the best designed Godric Gryffindor costume and will win a prize 4. Stall Market- From craft stations, to food stalls, to antiques and lots more. 5. Scavenger hunt- Finally to end the night it will be a Scavenger hunt around Godric Hollow. Follows the clues and find the items. First one to get them all will win a replicate of the sword of Gryffindor
  4. River Fenwick Galena May Adeline Morior are the people who have helped with sewing the banner.
  5. There was no doubt in Godric's mind that this rare gem would look great encrusted upon a special goblin-made sword.
  6. Last week
  7. Upon gathering it, he carefully inspected it, finding it to be a finely cut jewel, which gave him an idea of what to do with it.
  8. A warm welcome to HOL, June and Chrissy!
  9. Approved Jaze Lannister - first year Victoria Rivera - Slytherin visitor
  10. Hello hello my fellow students! I am new to HOL and look forward to an exciting year together.
  11. "Accio Mysterious Shining Object" said Godric, and something shiny the size of a gobstone and the color of a ruby, swooped towards him, as he caught it in his hand with one swift movement.
  12. There seemed to be something glistening in the hole, piquing Godric’s interest as he reached into it.
  13. He stopped in front of the huge oak tree with a hole hollowed out in its trunk, and stared at the hole for a second.
  14. He managed to successfully arrive at the village square without alerting anyone, though his senses remained sharp.
  15. The still silence of the morning reassured him that he was correct, but he still kept his footsteps quiet and his wand arm hidden in his robes.
  16. He began to walk toward the village square, expecting no one to be awake so early
  17. Oh no! Strong wind blew across the village square and before the organizers could get the weather under control, it tore down the village hall banner. While the mayor and some others rushed to calm the pandemonium, you decided to make a run for the banner so many of you worked hard on. Sew the seams together to make the banner whole by solving the provided hashi. Click here for a bigger picture. To earn 20 rubies, send your solution to me with the title 'Task 8: Sewing a Banner' by 11:59 pm HOL-time on October 31st.
  18. You come across a group sitting around a large bonfire. Someone stands up and starts to tell a story. After a few words, they turn to the person on their right who jumps up to continue the tale. It seems like you’ve arrived just in time… You shyly find a seat and wait for your turn to join in… We know quite a bit about what Godric Gryffindor got up to as a full grown wizard but very little about his childhood. What scrapes did he get himself into? How did he come to value bravery and chivalry so highly? Let’s find out! For this game, we’re going to team up to tell a story about Godric as a lad. Each person will pick up the story where the previous person left off. For example: Person 1: On a misty morning, before the sun was up, Godric Gryffindor crept out of his parents’ house… Person 2: he wandered along the lane for a while, until he heard a strange sound from a nearby field… And so on Guidelines: Each post you make should be at least 15 words long. Don’t post back to back – wait for someone else to post before going again Try to respect what other people wrote and build on it, rather than drastically changing direction. You can earn 5 rubies per post for your first 4 posts, meaning you can net 20 in all. The deadline is 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October. Alrighty then, off we go! I’ll start… On a misty morning, before the sun was up, Godric Gryffindor crept out of his parents’ house
  19. Open-Faced Portobello Sandwiches with Roasted Bell Pepper and Fresh Mozzarella Ingredients: 1 yellow bell pepper ¼ ounces Oregano 2 cloves of Garlic 2 pieces of ciabatta bread 4 ounces fresh mozzarella 5 ounces spinach 2 tablespoons of balsamic binegar 8 ounces of portobello mushrooms 1 ounce olive oil Salt Pepper Directions: 1. Clean and dry all produce. Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 400 degrees. Take out the center and seeds of the bell pepper, then slice it into 4 pieces. Slice the mozzarella into 8 equal pieces. Cut the oregano leaves into small pieces. Place the peppers and portobello caps on a baking sheet, then sprinkle with olive oil. Sprinkle with oregano, salt, and pepper. Bake until extremely tender, about 15-20 minutes. 2. Cut each ciabatta loaf in half horizontally. Sprinkle with olive oil and bake in the oven for approximately 5 minutes. Cut the garlic cloves in half, then proceed to rub each ciabatta with the exposed side of the garlic. 3. After preparing them, cut the peppers and portobello mushrooms into slender pieces. Put the ciabattas on the baking sheet and add layers of mozzarella, mushrooms, and peppers on top of each. Put it in the oven and let it melt for 5-6 minutes. 4. Mix the salad: In a medium bowl, mix the spinach with 1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar and a drizzle of olive oil. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper according to your preference. 5. Serve the portobello sandwiches with the spinach salad.
  20. Chicken Satay Ingredients: 1kg boneless chicken breasts, 2 tsp black peppercorns, 1 tsp cumin, 2 tsp coriander seeds, 5-6 garlic cloves, kecap manis (sweetened soy sauce), 2 tbsp oil. Recipe: In a mixer grinder, grind the black peppercorns, cumin, coriander seeds, and garlic together, to make a spice paste. In a bowl, marinate the chicken breasts with oil, your prepared spice paste, and enough kecap manis to taste. Leave it marinated for 30 minutes. Skewer the chicken breasts on barbecue skewers with any vegetables you would like to go along with it, be it mushrooms or onions. Prepare the barbecue, until the coals are white - hot. Coat the skewered chicken and vegetables in more kecap manis and cook over direct heat. It should take around 10 minutes. Serve with peanut sauce or satay sauce.
  21. With so many people around for the celebration, it's no wonder there were some difficulties while trying to make sitting arrangements. Some people just don't work together, but for the sake of showing unity, there needs to be at least one group representative per 9-seat table. Help with seating arrangements by solving the visual sudoku below. To earn 20 rubies, send your solution to Janne Halla with the title 'Gryfftoberfest Sudoku' by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  22. The anniversary signaled the arrival of people from all corners of the world, not just Magical Britain. Thus, it wouldn't be proper to only serve food that is typical for this little corner of the country. The mayor asked you if you could share a recipe from your country with them to make sure every culture is represented at the food table. Your recipe should be at least 100 words. Despite it following established steps, please make sure to write it in your own words. To earn 20 rubies, post your recipes below by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  23. Earlier
  24. Approved Chrissy Kay and Britini Initirb - Hufflepuff visitors
  25. Here are some point earning opportunities for October: The HOwLer, HOL’s newspaper, is accepting contributions for its next issue until 31 October. The theme is conversations, though you're welcome to submit other pieces - just make you get your ideas approved first. You can earn up to 60 points through your submissions. Ever wanted to step into the shoes of a particular Hogwarts headmaster or headmistress? The Library has a new project that lets you do just that. This project is worth up to 20 points and is due on 31 October.
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