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Janne Halla

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Janne Halla last won the day on October 8

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28 Excellent


About Janne Halla

  • Birthday 11/11/2000

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    being chased by a rampaging murtlap

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  1. With so many people around for the celebration, it's no wonder there were some difficulties while trying to make sitting arrangements. Some people just don't work together, but for the sake of showing unity, there needs to be at least one group representative per 9-seat table. Help with seating arrangements by solving the visual sudoku below. To earn 20 rubies, send your solution to Janne Halla with the title 'Gryfftoberfest Sudoku' by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  2. The anniversary signaled the arrival of people from all corners of the world, not just Magical Britain. Thus, it wouldn't be proper to only serve food that is typical for this little corner of the country. The mayor asked you if you could share a recipe from your country with them to make sure every culture is represented at the food table. Your recipe should be at least 100 words. Despite it following established steps, please make sure to write it in your own words. To earn 20 rubies, post your recipes below by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  3. Lost items were retrieved by: River Fenwick Galena May Adeline Morior
  4. Successful Muggle-repelling wards were set up by: River Fenwick Prof. Kendra Givens* Lex Green*** Galena May
  5. With so many people at the celebration, visitors and organizers alike, it's inevitable that some items might go missing. Some people already alerted the hosts and some didn't even realize they've lost a scarf or a glove. Before the people panic, the mayor kindly asked your help in retrieval of the lost items. There are ten lost items hidden somewhere around the Den - the Gryffindor forum. Your job is to find them and get them to the lost and found so that their owners can pick them up as they leave the celebrations. Lost items are hidden in the areas accessible to all members. Each lost item will be accompanied by a fun fact regarding Godric Gryffindor, or Gryffindor in general so you’ll know it’s the right one. When you find a lost item, you need to either submit to me the link (by using the ‘share’ button, you should get the link) OR the title of the thread and who is the author of the post in which the lost item is hidden OR a combination of both. Do NOT share any locations you found with anyone either via PMs or in public forums. Keep it fair, everyone! To earn 20 rubies (2 per found item), please send your findings to Janne Halla with the title 'Gryfftoberfest Lost and Found' by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  6. Watch your fingers! This book is known to be quite snappy. The Monster Book of Monsters, written by Edwardus Lima, is a particular favourite of Rubeus Hagrid, Hogwarts' gamekeeper and a professor of Care of Magical Creatures. It's actually quite a good read, just remember to gently stroke the book's spine before leafing through it. The Monster Book of Monsters – Task 1 The Monster Book of Monsters – Task 2 The Monster Book of Monsters – Task 3
  7. Groove around like a scary ghost Spooking himself the most Get it on like an angry spectre Who's definitely out to get ya' Oh! Can you dance like a hippogriff? --- Do the Hippogriff by The Weird Sisters The Monster Book of Monsters and The Weird Sisters certainly have one thing in common. They both love creatures, the scarier, the merrier. The band even made up several dances for all manner of magical creatures, and some, like a troll, can be found in this book. Choose one of the creatures in the Monster Book of Monsters and design a dance move for it in at least 80 words. Make sure that it's HOL-appropriate, thank you! To earn 10 rubies, post your dance moves below by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  8. For such an event, where thousands of visitors are expected, the mayor tasked some of the more advanced charms users to work together and set up some Muggle-repelling wards around the perimeter of Godric's Hollow. Solve the masyu puzzle below and help erect the anti-Muggle ward. Draw a single, non-intersecting loop that passes through all circled cells. The loop must go straight through the cells with white circles, with a turn in at least one of the cells immediately before/after each white circle. The loop must make a turn in all the black circles, but must go straight in both cells immediately before/after each black circle. To earn 20 rubies, send your solution to Janne Halla with the title 'Gryfftoberfest Masyu' by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of October.
  9. Hello Graham, so happy to see you visit Gryffindor! Take a butterbeer, some cookies and join us for some games by the fireplace (Peeves' Place).
  10. Correct answers were submitted by: Alexandra Starling River Fenwick Luna Ravenlong Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis Galena May Tom Harik* Adeline Morior Anne-Marie Gagne Lex Green
  11. I hope you've gotten your taste for trivia, because there are 15 more questions waiting for you this week. Here are 15 questions about the Platform 9 ¾. You’ll notice they range in difficulty from easy to hard. No matter how easy or hard they are though, they’re all worth 1 ruby each (so there are 15 up for grabs in total). Please send the answers to me and Prof. Maxim Trevelyan via PM. To earn up to 15 rubies, please send us your answers by 23:59 HOL-time on the 30th of September. Easy 1. In which train station is Platform 9 ¾ at? 2. While waiting for the train to depart in his 6th year, who did Harry tell about his suspicions about Draco Malfoy being a Death Eater? 3. How did Harry arrive at the train station that houses Platform 9 ¾ in his 4th year? 4. Who lost his toad on the platform the first time Harry visited it? 5. After they couldn't enter the platform in their second year, how did Ron and Harry come to Hogwarts? Medium 6. What substance were the platform numbers at King's Cross Station made of? 7. What did Mr. Weasley make Harry swear on to do before he left for his 3rd year? 8. Who helped Harry load his trunk onto the train the first time Harry went to Hogwarts? 9. When trying to get to Hogwarts for their 2nd year, why couldn’t Harry and Ron get onto Platform 9 ¾? 10. How long does it take to reach the train station on foot from 12 Grimmauld Place? Hard 11. Which of the Weasley children enters Platform 9 ¾ first in Harry's 1st year? 12. Who was in the first group that went through the barrier of the Platform 9 ¾ in the 4th year? 13. Who did Mad-Eye Moody want to wait for before the group set for the Platform 9 ¾ in Harry's 5th year? 14. Which part of his body did Harry particularly hurt when he couldn't enter Platform 9 ¾ in his second year? 15. Which train was Mr. Weasley apparently interested in as Harry and the Weasleys entered Platform 9 ¾ in Harry's 3rd year?
  12. Welcome to the Platform 9 ¾, situated right between Platforms 9 and 10. Careful when crossing the barrier, you don't want to knock into anybody on either side! What do you think about Platform 9 ¾? Do you think it's sufficiently hidden from Muggles? How realistic is it that no one has noticed people disappearing before? What kind of security or magical precautions do you think are in place to keep Platform 9 ¾ hidden from Muggles? How would you hide a huge platform such as this from the Muggles? Why do you think J.K. Rowling chose a train station as the starting point for the Hogwarts journey? For this discussion, we’d like to hear your thoughts on one or more questions above or about something related to Platform 9 ¾. Please write at least 100 words for full credit. To earn 10 rubies, please post your response below by 23:59 HOL-time on the 30th of September.
  13. Both Quidditch classes that I took were extremely interesting! I enjoyed them a lot. I've decided to once again have a mix of canon-similar classes and what I'm interested in. I did switch one of the classes later on, though. I've decided on Apparition for Beginners, Marauders 101, The Magical World of Autism, The Hobbit and Wand-Making! I'm eyeing some more classes, especially those that are 'new'. I wonder what else we'll get next term!
  14. People who correctly interpreted the runes are: Adeline Morior River Fenwick Galena May Lex Green
  15. If you've ever wondered about the strange symbols etched into ancient stones or the mysterious writings in the margins of old spellbooks, then you're in for a treat. Ancient Runes might seem like a tricky subject, but fear not - Ancient Runes Made Easy is your map, guiding you through the secrets of runic languages with ease. It provides translations for over twenty-one thousand different runes and symbols! Ancient Runes Made Easy – Task 1 Ancient Runes Made Easy – Task 2 Ancient Runes Made Easy – Task 3
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