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Gryffindor Common Room

Galena May

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About Galena May

  • Birthday May 6

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    Oh! wait! Why am I in the Lion's Den? Never mind. Gryffindor Common Room, besides the hottest fireplace, duh.
  • Interests
    Okay, maybe Wizard's chess?
  • Pronouns
    She, her.

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  1. I'd like to choose the following shipping assignment: Planet: Rodendra Resource: Titanium
  2. The image shows a spacecrew dressed in my subcompany's spacesuit. The uniform consists of a whitish-yellow spacesuit with a slightly darker belt and gloves. The shoes are the same color as the spacesuit. It has black buttons down the front. The uniform also includes a silver space helmet with a red O2 mask, a red pipe, and a red cylindrical O2 jar. The sub - company's logo is attached on the upper right of the chest, and it looks like a pentagon in the shape of each level of the sub-company's spaceship, is colored red to indicate high-priority (as high-priority shipments are the focus of our company), and a yellow flash like that of light is streaked across the red logo (diagonally) to indicate speeding through space, with the sub - company's name abbreviated over the logo as ATLY (my sub - company's name is Across The LightYears).
  3. My sub-company's long term plans are to establish a stronghold on speed delivery for priority shipping. We want to be the fastest on the galaxy to carry our high - priority shipments to their respective destination planets without any damage so that they can rely on us to be the fastest deliverers during emergencies. I will be shipping titanium for certain spaceship repairs needed following damage due to a solar storm to my next destination and since this is an emergency as those spaceships are absolutely needed, it is going to start off our sub-company on strong-footing with a name for quick delivery across the lightyears. To achieve this, we have to focus on speed - friendly fuel and efficient course - charting so that we can cover more lightyears than other spaceships at once. We also have to take special care of the shipments during handling and transport, to avoid damaging the shipments, because high-priority shipments are more likely than regular shipments to be annoying to customers if not delivered in one-piece. This will make our sub - company the one that are always chosen for high-priority goods that need extra special care and handling or contain costly products and that are needed quickly for emergencies.
  4. My spaceship is shaped like a pentagonal prism boat with each cross section shaped like a pentagonal boat from top. There are three levels, each level has a few of the sections needed. One level (and the bottommost level) is the resting quarters including the cafeteria or the mess hall, the middle level is the place for the controls of the spaceship, and the uppermost top level is the shipment office. The resting quarters contain the cafeteria or the mess hall in the center where all the inhabitants of the ship can gather for food and nourishment (you don't get regular food on the spaceship, it's usually frozen, small in quantity, and highly concentrated in nutrition), but this place is mainly used for a daily bout of socializing and talking, important social meetings, and just lounging around. The rest of the space on this level spiraling away from the central mess hall contains extra space suits, safety jackets, personal equipment, cleaning rooms, toilets and bathrooms, a medbay where health services are provided to sick spacecrew, the exit from the spaceship on one side, and the private resting chambers of the crew. The middle level has the spaceship's engines (both the upper and lower), along with the most mandatory working mechanisms of the spaceship without which the spaceship will collapse or become uninhabitable, such as the reactors, fans to cool down the spaceship, oxygen regulator and dispenser which distributes oxygen into the entire spaceship and can be used to upregulate or downregulate the amount of O2 circulating, a camera hall from where any part of the spaceship can be accessed and seen on camera and recorded and which can be used to regularly monitor the safety and working of the spaceship and the spacecrew, a power room from where is regulated the power supply that runs the internal machinery of the spaceship including the lightings and several wirings take the power to the different levels of the ship, control and navigation chamber which controls the speed and fuel consumption of the spaceship and charts its course keeping track of asteroids and planets or other celestial bodies on the way or other spaceships and the destination, an equipment room which has equipments for everything, a communications radar which sends radiowaves to communicate with different planets and also within the spaceship, and a fuel storage room where extra fuel is kept and burnt to keep the spaceship going. The shipment office on the upper level includes the headquarters of the shipping sub-company where there is a CEO room for the CEO, an ID chamber where the names and identities of all the spacecrew are registered and count is kept besides descriptions of who works on which level of the spaceship and keeps track of their exact duties, a worker's room in the center of the level where the crewmates that work on the level with the shipping sub-company can gather and discussions about the handling of shipments can be held, an administrative chamber where the overall workings of the sub-company are recorded and discussed and registers containing lists of past, present, and future shipments are kept with records of the success or failure of each shipment delivery, a meeting hall, a shipment scanning chamber where the packages are scanned and x-rayed to see that the products being shipped are safe and that the contents of the packages are correct as per records, a shipment packing and unpacking chamber where all shipments are reopened to be repacked and sealed with the sub-company's logo and the relevant tags are attached and certain shipments are unpacked and checked for damage then packed again, and several storage rooms for the shipments.
  5. I'd like to choose the following shipping assignment: Planet: Clarens Resource: Titanium
  6. Ooooooh! A spaceship? Carrying shipments to aliens? (What do they even order?) I am excited to join on board!
  7. Harry Potter is not the only one with a lightning-shaped scar. His terrific mount, the Firebolt, takes its name from an ancient species of dragon - The Thunderfires. These dragons have a roar that sounds like thunder as they open their mouths to breathe out a rich golden fire. They have unique (to each individual dragon) lightning-shaped marks on a single silver scale on their foreheads, and these marks are the same as the unique one on the egg that they hatch from. The shape of the mark is not determined by genetics but is as unique as a human fingerprint. The eggs are rock-grey in color and have zigzag patterns in addition to the unique mark which is golden in color. The chicks are silvery white upto two years, then start turning golden in spots that join to become bigger. The adult dragons are a shiny golden in color all over, except for the one silver scale on their forehead, which bears the unique mark. Their size is slightly more than that of a Chinese fireball but significantly less than that of an Antipodean opaleye. They live in rock caves in mountains and their glistening bodies are often mistaken for treasure.
  8. Preparing a nesting site for a dragon is a thoughtful act. It helps for the she - dragon to trust you, otherwise it may be difficult to get them to nest around you at all, but, torturing them like at the vaults in Gringotts is certainly not one of the ways! Dragons can be territorial and especially aggressive when nesting, and certainly so for the Chinese fireballs, so you want to begin by creating a space where other species or threats can't just fly in! Usually, the females will not even like the males of their own species hovering around, especially for the Antipodean opaleyes. The actual nesting site will require you to build it out of fire-resistant material such as tungsten or steel which can be in the form of crates full of sand, or you could choose natural rock to save you the labor and costs and provide a natural environment. The more resistant (and dragon- like ), the better! There should be enough room for the mother dragon to regularly breathe fire on her eggs without accidentally making the surroundings go up in flame, so no combustible materials! It will be assuredly difficult to create such fiery temperatures artificially, so it is mandatory to check in with the climate that the species is native to and the preferred amount of heat as well as the season! You cannot clean the area with water once the nesting has begun, because cold water sprays can cause delays in hatchings. Artificial enhancement for the hatching process can be provided through music! They love jazz! The not-so-little chicks will stay there with their mothers for two years, so plan accordingly. They will prefer dragon milk from their mother every half an hour, but in case of emergencies, only a bucket of brandy mixed with chicken blood could serve as an alternative! Their flying training will begin by the end of a year, so keep an eye out for hatchlings flying away. An underground level nesting site of enormous size with several tall brick or stone towers surrounding it can ensure that the chicks don't venture very far!
  9. We came to walk, but we found the beat, Hearts in rhythm, moving our feet, The trees are swaying, they feel it too, Under this sky, it’s me and you, In the glade, we’ll sing it through! Inspiration hits out of the blue, I am no singer, but I am singing too. As if by magic, the words come out of our lips, The song is singing itself, we are clicking our fingertips. The birds chirp with us, the animals dance jolly, Was coming to this place a very big folly? I don't think so, because it is so much fun, To loosen up, and let go, till we are spent and done. Together we sing the notes, exhausted but happy, I can feel my waist swaying, my feet are tappy, We can't hold it in, the lyrics are full of joy, Everyone's singing along, with spirits high, ahoy!
  10. Cashew and coconut chilli chicken The original Chinese chilli chicken (one of the variations) recipe is as follows: Ingredients: Soy sauce, Chilli sauce, Ketchup, salt, black pepper, bell peppers, onions, boneless chicken. Recipe: 1. Marinate boneless chicken in soy sauce, chilli sauce, ketchup, salt, and black pepper and leave it overnight in the refrigerator or for at least an hour. 2. Sautée onions with salt, until the onions are golden brown. Add bell peppers and sautée for five more minutes. 3. Add the marinated chicken and stir until the chicken is cooked properly. It is a mouthwatering dish, one that I love and one that goes well with anything you please, although I like it best with rice. It is spicy and slightly sweet from the sauces. I love coconuts for their sweet flavor and the gritty texture that they offer. I love cashews for their smoky flavor. Based on one sudden cooking experiment that happened in a wave of inspiration, I can say that adding grated coconut and cashew paste to the above recipe during the last stirring step can make the chicken taste as good as the original recipe itself, if not better, giving it an additional grittier texture and smoky flavor for an interesting twist. If you add only cashew paste and no coconut, you may have to substitute the coconut with a tiny bit of extra sugar, because only cashews can make the whole dish taste slightly bitter. Similarly, if you intend to add only grated coconut and no cashew, you may have to cut down on the amount of sauces and stir clear of any sugar, otherwise it may be just a tad sweeter than you expect.
  11. Outfit 1: Winter Nerd Outfit 2: Ice Queen Outfit Outfit 3: Yule Ball Outfit
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