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Galena May

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About Galena May

  • Birthday May 6

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    Okay, maybe Wizard's chess?
  • Pronouns
    She, her.

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  1. There was no doubt in Godric's mind that this rare gem would look great encrusted upon a special goblin-made sword.
  2. "Accio Mysterious Shining Object" said Godric, and something shiny the size of a gobstone and the color of a ruby, swooped towards him, as he caught it in his hand with one swift movement.
  3. He stopped in front of the huge oak tree with a hole hollowed out in its trunk, and stared at the hole for a second.
  4. The still silence of the morning reassured him that he was correct, but he still kept his footsteps quiet and his wand arm hidden in his robes.
  5. Chicken Satay Ingredients: 1kg boneless chicken breasts, 2 tsp black peppercorns, 1 tsp cumin, 2 tsp coriander seeds, 5-6 garlic cloves, kecap manis (sweetened soy sauce), 2 tbsp oil. Recipe: In a mixer grinder, grind the black peppercorns, cumin, coriander seeds, and garlic together, to make a spice paste. In a bowl, marinate the chicken breasts with oil, your prepared spice paste, and enough kecap manis to taste. Leave it marinated for 30 minutes. Skewer the chicken breasts on barbecue skewers with any vegetables you would like to go along with it, be it mushrooms or onions. Prepare the barbecue, until the coals are white - hot. Coat the skewered chicken and vegetables in more kecap manis and cook over direct heat. It should take around 10 minutes. Serve with peanut sauce or satay sauce.
  6. The eyes blink twice, seem to be looking for me, and someone calls out my name, perhaps someone riding the animal, and they light their wand. What animal is it, a hippogriff or a fire crab?
  7. Happy Birthday!!!!! May you have a blast, Professor.
  8. Happy Birthday, Harmony! God bless you.
  9. I turn to see a pair of luminous yellow eyes looking at me, but I am still alive, so it's not a basilisk. Do you cast a spell or back off into the corner?
  10. The warning is repeated even more sternly, without an explanation. Do you ignore or change the way you respond?
  11. This decoration is for the tables, in honor of Godric Gryffindor. The table has been painted red in honor of Gryffindor. The decoration consists of a whitish grey wooden board, a lion's head shaped seal made of wax (symbolizing Gryffindor's spirit animal), two wands (representing duelling, something Godric Gryffindor was good at), and two candles made of scarlet wax (in honor of the Gryffindor house colors and their association with the element of fire) in glass jars. To make the wands, one could sculpt them out of wood with a chisel or model them out of modelling clay and then fashion the little details in with a knife. If white modelling clay is being used, it is advisable to add the color to the clay before moulding it. The ornamentation can be carved in with a knife later. Caution! Please be careful with handling molten wax. The wax seal can be created by stamping a lion head figurine into a blob of molten wax. To make the scarlet candles, one could break and then melt white candles in a metal bowl on the oven (please remember to spoon out the wicks of the molten candles from the liquid wax with a wooden spoon or fish them out with a pair of tongs), then add a few drops of dark red food color to it, and add maybe some spices for aroma, stir with a wooden spoon, and then pour it into the glass jars (with a white cotton wick thread of sufficient length suspended downwards into the jar from a pencil or stick balanced across the rim of the jar), to cool and solidify. Please remember to pour the wax bit by bit into the glass jar, not all at once, otherwise the glass may crack. The glass jar may be allowed to cool at intervals before pouring the rest of the wax, at the cost of reheating the wax in the bowl again and again. After pouring the wax, snip off the wick with a scissor, keeping it as short above the upper surface of the wax as convenient, detaching and removing the pencil. Keeping the wick short prevents overheating. (You can't make the wick very short, otherwise it will be impossible to light the candle, but you want to leave just enough to light the wick and not more). Thick and heat-resistant glass jars (preferably mason jars) need to be used to prevent the glass from breaking due to heat.
  12. I think that it's better not to throw caution to the wind in an unknown, mysterious place, so I end up listening. The portrait warns not to explore further. Do you pay heed and leave or ask why?
  13. List of Most Respected Residences 1. Healer's Hut, Home of the First and Only Healer of Godric's Hollow Elethea Jaison was an orphaned half-blood witch who settled in Godric's Hollow shortly after Godric Gryffindor's death or disappearance (some still believe that Godric is the Giant Squid in the Black Lake of Hogwarts in animagus form and some say that he was a phoenix animagus and lived on as Dumbledore's pet bird). Having no parents, Elethea had no Muggle or wizarding residence known to herself, and for some unknown reason chose to live under the the protection of the chivalrous and brave residents of Godric Hollow for the rest of her life. A Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, Elethea was extremely talented with all Outstanding grades in her O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s, in Legilimency, Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, and Healing Charms, with an exceptional understanding of how to relieve pain. She combines her magical knowledge with her mind- reading skills to heal her patients physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In the village known for lion - hearted duellers like Godric Gryffindor, she was unpopular at first, until the residents noticed an unknown feeling of happiness engulfing them within an area of a few square miles around her home. This made people curious and Elethea soon became known for her exceptional casting of the Cheering Charm. Over time, she gained many clients and very soon word got out that she could also heal injuries and relieve pain exceptionally well. Elethea enjoyed popularity for about a decade, before she was asked to fill the position of a retired Healer at St. Mungo's, but she refused to leave Godric's Hollow, claiming that she had developed an attachment towards her residence and the villagers. She disappeared soon after and when she returned about another whole decade later, she was seen covered in strange shamanic robes, crystal jewellery, and feathers. She claimed that she had been to Africa to learn shamanic healing practices and rituals. Though skeptical at first, her new combination of magical healing and shamanic cures soon became widely accepted at Godric's Hollow. Her hut is still the one-witch hospital of Godric's Hollow and sees several of her clients each day, except when she is off to take a spiritual break in nature and rejuvenate her healing and shamanic powers. At present, she is on one of her such tours for a year since the publication of this booklet, but you can see her hut a few miles to the right of Godric Gryffindor's original residence. Her hut has remained the same ever since she first arrived in the village, with no signs of reinforcement or rebuilding. She wasn't fond of luxury, so her home is only a hut with a thatched roof and the walls of straw broken down in places, not very well-protected against the natural elements. Rumor has it, though, that she likes nature to disturb her from time to time. If you ask any of the wizarding residents of Godric's Hollow about her, they will go on and on about how effective her healing is and how less she charges in comparison to St. Mungo's for her shamanic and healing services.
  14. It is a portrait of Godric Gryffindor on the wall, so I light my wand to see it better. Do you examine the portrait for secret passageways or just talk to it?
  15. I continue to investigate the potion and find that it is Polyjuice Potion. Not that there's a need to be disguised, but it can come in handy. Do you take the potion with you or leave it behind?
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