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Carrie Warts

Third Years
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Status Updates posted by Carrie Warts

  1. Hi Gryffs

    I would like to invite you all to see the Quidditch Summer Activities in the HOL Forum and be sure not to miss the Broom Games (Sunday 16th, Saturday 22nd, Sunday 30th at 9 pm HOL time)

  2. Pweatty pweasecan you recommend any books, series, and movies for me to watch?


    1. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      What type of thing do you enjoy? For books, anything by Garth Nix or Tamora Pierce  is good

    2. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      I literally would read anything, except for math books LOL.

      I will take a look at those authors! thanks Sky <3

    3. Lora Wallabenger

      Lora Wallabenger

      If you haven't read Shadowhunters series by Cassandra Clare already, try reading it :). It's a kinda mixture of urban fantasy and adventure/action fiction. The books are pretty interesting! 


    We have Broom Games in the IRC (chatroom) in #broomgames at 9 PM HOL!


  4. Question time: Is there any type of music or any song in particular that you feel touches your heart??


    To me it happens with Celtic music, I don't know why but it feels like a long lost dream for my soul.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      Oh man, creepy. I was listening to Waving Through a Window just as I read your comment, Isa! :)

    3. Isa Vestal

      Isa Vestal

      That’s such a weird coincidence! Also so cool that you like Dear Evan Hansen :D

    4. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      I love musicals of every description :D

  5. Are all the summer activities over? do you still want to have one last activity before classes start in September?


    Go to the QUIDDITCH FORUM and you will find the Quidditch Summer Activities !

    Even if you have never used in your broom, now is time to clear off the dust in it and use it to learn


    We are also having Broom Games (#broomgames) in the IRC that you can't miss, come try it out and learn with us :D

    Next broom game is: Saturday 22nd 9pm HOL Time 


    If you need more info I'm an owl away ^.^



    1. Savannah Foster

      Savannah Foster

      The last one was fun, I'll be there!

  6. Does anyone know the Hogwarts Anthem? how many robes should I take? what books do I need? 

    I'm so nervous for our first day that I'm starting to forget things! 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rose Pottermore

      Rose Pottermore

      Savannah's right about the books and robes, and I remember the anthem like the back of my wand.

    3. Emerald Wolvenhowl

      Emerald Wolvenhowl

      I don't recall the anthem either. I agree with Savannah and Rose. Maybe you could take a small bag with you too and use the capacious extremis charm on it. That way you can take all the books you own with you. 

    4. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      Thank you guys so much.

      You've been so helpful and now everything is in my trunk and ready to go :D

      See you on the train y'all!!


      *runs back to her room because she almost left Sapphire (my Tawny baby Owl) sleeping in the bed* hehe... now I'm ready 

  7. First day of school is approaching!

    Do you have everything ready for this new school year?

    Robes, books, quill, ink?

    If not hurry up and go to Diagon Alley :D

    1. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      Ready? What is this ready of which you speak? *Dashes around doing a hundred and one things to prepare for the new school year*

    2. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      LOL I mean ready for us mortals, dear Sky.

      I don't know anyone capable of doing so many things all together like you do!

      But I know you'll make it and then we will laugh looking back at all the things you managed to do in such short time while drinking a barrel of coffee/tea.

  8. Hello my dear lions!

    Remember that this Sunday 16th we have Broom Games in the IRC in #broomgames at 9 PM HOL!


    1. Savannah Foster

      Savannah Foster

      I'll try to be there :-)

    2. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      Yes, come, it's gonna be fun! Even if you've never flown before, now's a perfect time to give it a whirl.

    3. Emerald Wolvenhowl

      Emerald Wolvenhowl

      I will do my best to be there :) *Makes note in diary that it is time to learn to fly, and gets broomstick at the ready. Currently blowing off the cobwebs because it has never been used.*

  9. Hope you all had a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or any celebration and that you are getting ready to receive this 2021 which I know will be better than this year *fingers crossed* .


    But please, remember all the good things from 2020, even if you feel like there aren't any, try and find the silver lining. 


    I know to me, HOL was one of the best things that could have happen to me this year and I'm forever thankful for all the games, classes and people I've met here <3


    Wish you all only the best.

    - Carrie.

  10. I just wanted to stop by to tell you that I literally sent 5 assignments of one class in one day just because I got more and more into the lessons and couldn't help myself. Sorry Professor for vomiting assignments but just know that I really enjoyed the lessons <3
    has anyone else done the same? please tell me I'm not alone

    1. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      You're not! <3 And if it was Patronus 101, I did exactly the same a month or two ago :P Congrats on the hard work!

    2. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      Wow, I'm impressed Carrie XD I've only done that a few times... and usually with easier classes :P 

    3. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      it was for CoMC but I've been crazy about Patronus 101 as well <3

  11. I'll see you all in the #gamesroom!! *shrieks of excitement*

    1. Lorainia Riverrider

      Lorainia Riverrider

      Aw man! Missed games. Thought they be later.

    2. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      We can always arrange something, get together and play again! :D 

  12. I'm officially done with all of my classes for this first term :D anyone else done too?

    1. Lorainia Riverrider

      Lorainia Riverrider

      Done HOL classes same (:

    2. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      Done with all my classes for my last term too. Just NEWTs left to tackle *gulps*

    3. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      OMG! Good luck with the NEWTs, Sky!

  13. It's raining today!

    I enjoy the rain, the sound of it and the smell of the wet grass <3 

    1. Cleo Toughri

      Cleo Toughri

      I love rain too! Especially when you want to have fun so you go out in your bathing suit and get wet like you are in the pool. 

    2. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      I love rain as well, particularly sticking my head out of the window to enjoy the smell of a summer shower after a long dry spell. I also find thunderstorms really soothing to listen to.

  14. Just one more week, folks!! :D


    (the gif is from the show The Office and it shows two guys lifting their hands in the air with a woop woop! phrase in the middle)

  15. Just wanted to tell you that my plan on moving out of my parents house is gonna be a reality by July next year <3 I already have the apartment and the contract signed. I'm very happy and pumped with this news and wanted to share it with you because is where I feel most comfortable lately <3 

    1. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      Wonderful news! Congratulations <3

    2. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      Wow Carrie, that's awesome :D

  16. Thanks to those who attended the broom games yesterday!

    It was so much fun :D 

    Don't forget next broom game will take place on Saturday 22nd 9pm HOL Time

    Hope to see you there! <3


    (in the GIF there's Oliver Wood doing his lovely smirk)

  17. This is not my case but I'm super curious...

    Has anyone finished all the assignment for at least one class already?


    (Hermione raising her hand)

    1. Rose Pottermore
    2. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      That's A M A Z I N G! I'm gonna send you some beans <3

    3. Rose Pottermore

      Rose Pottermore

      Thanks for the beans, Carrie!

  18. Today is a really cold and gray day where I'm from, what do you like doing when is cold out? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lora Wallabenger

      Lora Wallabenger

      cuddle up with my doggie on the couch, reading or trying to catch up with a really good sleep! 

    3. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      awe both ideas sound so cozy <3 thanks!

    4. Savannah Foster

      Savannah Foster

      Probably petting one of my three cats and reading a good book

  19. Two nights ago my best friend woke me up with a call at 1 am because she was dying her hair and needed me to see if she was doing it right. I literally got up and had a video chat with her until 4 am. What are some random/lovely/crazy things you've done for your friends?
    anyone dying their hair at that time too?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      hahahaha that sounds like so much fun. Pink hair is the best!

      Thanks for sharing that moment Isa :D

    3. Isa Vestal

      Isa Vestal

      Of course! Thanks for posting in the first place. Also, I love seeing your status updates! They're fun to read when they pop up ever so often

    4. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      The only time I can remember having a sleepover with a friend at their house, we stayed up until past midnight and suddenly thought it'd be an amazing idea to head down to the kitchen and make iced mochas.... so we did. And I remarkably was still able to fall asleep :P 

  20. What is your favorite kind of puzzle??

    crossword? wordsearch? fallen letters? nonogram? other?

    1. Rose Pottermore

      Rose Pottermore

      Word Search, Fallen Letters and Nonograms. Can't choose between them.

    2. Manya Granger
    3. Arkadia Klarke

      Arkadia Klarke

      I love logic puzzles!

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