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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Sky Alton

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Status Updates posted by Prof. Sky Alton

  1. Remember you have until 11:59 PM HOL-time tomorrow to earn the last rubies of the school year. There are awards up for grabs so get questing and feasting.

  2. Scared is what you're feeling. Brave is what you're doing.-Emma Donoghue

  3. Shout out to Prof. Jenny for a truly courageous performance on the quidditch pitch this weekend! If you're new to Gryffindor, remember that GQT is always recruiting.

  4. Sorry for the errors. Nothing to worry about - something just needs renewing. Dario will rectify it ASAP

    1. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      Thank you Dario for fixing it!!!

  5. Sorry if anyone's seeing scary security errors. The site is absolutely not trying to steal your data and/or take over the world, something just needs renewing. We hope to have it sorted shortly!

    1. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      And it's fixed \o/ Thanks guys! <3 

  6. The class list is out! Go forth and sign up, have fun and earn points!

  7. The Gryfftoberfest countdown has begun! Go and submit mottos!

  8. The spring term is nearly here! Everyone excited?

    1. Luna Lemongrass

      Luna Lemongrass

      yes i am excited!! i really enjoyed the first part of my first year! :)

    2. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      That's great to hear, Luna!

  9. There are over 285 extra house points for the earning around the castle right now! Head over to Madam Pince's board to learn how to get your paws on them. Let's go, Gryffindor, let's go!

  10. To paraphrase Hamlet: mottos, mottos, mottos. Get them in! (Or else be subjected to even more of my literary nerdiness)

  11. Today is a momentous day for the house. It took us over 13 years and the combined efforts of many Gryffs and visitors but today, my friends, we finally counted to 10000.

    1. Raevia Ward

      Raevia Ward

      Wow!!! That's amazing :O

  12. Want to tell someone how great they are? Go make them an award in our superlatives thread!

  13. Way to go, GQT!

    1. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      YES! Amazing job, team! We did great :D

  14. We did it!!! Third place for the first time in so many years. I couldn't be prouder of you all. Not only that but so close that we stand a real chance of doing even better next year. Go, go Gryffindor!

    1. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      YESSSS *prances* YAY FOR US!!!!!

    2. Emerald Wolvenhowl
    3. Carrie Warts

      Carrie Warts

      Yaas!!!!! :D woot woot! <3

  15. Who's excited for the 1st of September? :D

    1. Luna Lemongrass

      Luna Lemongrass

      Me!! Already signed up for 5 classes!!

    2. Prof. Sky Alton
  16. Who's excited for the new school year? :D

    1. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      *stands on top of chair and waves hand in the air* Me!!! 

    2. Lora Wallabenger

      Lora Wallabenger

      Me !!!! Can't wait until the term begins - I am super excited !!!! :D  

    3. Narcissus Delmenia

      Narcissus Delmenia

      *jump and cling on Ivey's back* 



  17. Who's excited for the new term? Got any exciting plans? Know what classes you'd like to take?

    1. Rose Pottermore

      Rose Pottermore

      So excited! I'm not sure yet about the classes I'm going to take, but I'm sure the upcoming term will be as magical as this one.

  18. Yayyyyy!!! Thank you Dario! *scampers off to frolic around the shiny CR*

  19. You have just over 48 hours to turn in things for Owl Winter Long! We'll need everything signed, sealed and delivered by 11:59 PM HOL-time on December 20th.

  20. You have just over a day to sign up for the forest adventure and submit your Av/Sigs! If you're still looking for a partner, post in the appropriate thread and we'll make sure you're matched in time.

  21. You have until midnight to submit your third task! How are you going to appease the centaurs?

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