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Gryffindor Common Room

Raevia Ward

Fifth Years
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Raevia Ward last won the day on October 2 2023

Raevia Ward had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

14 Good


About Raevia Ward

  • Birthday 05/23/1997

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    wandering the halls
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  1. Wavy (SZA) What made you laugh today?
  2. Cheers to all the women that make HOL the magical place it is. Happy Women's Day!

  3. Raevia Ward

    1 - 10 000

    Wow you got the 1000 Sky!! How appropriate \^o^/
  4. https://i.ibb.co/48Ld374/resim.png
  5. Took my first OWL today...it's gonna be a loooong long term (´。_。`)

  6. Holiday (Hilary Duff) What's ideal lunch for you?
  7. I used to have this one surfer barbie doll that smelled divine, I'm pretty sure there was coconut and butter tones in there. I think mine would smell like that, and sunscreen, perhaps with a touch of peach.
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