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Gryffindor Common Room
Emerald Wolvenhowl

Hogsmead's Magical Swap Shop

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"Hello, do come on in. Oh, mind your head! What's that you say? This is your first visit here? Not to worry. Let me show you around, come on, that's it down here, down here."


*The shopkeeper guides you down a small set of crooked steps and towards a stone archway. As you walk through it you find yourself amongst a huge crowd of people each holding an unwanted magical item just like you are.*


" Don't be shy. Take a look at what items everyone has, for someone is sure to do a swap with you. Just remember that everyone should make a note in my records book what objects they are swapping. 


For example:

The first person writes: I swap a prefect badge for a chocolate frog.


The next person writes: I swap a chocolate frog for a red quill.


The next person writes: I swap a red quill for a Gryffindor tie.


etc and so on. Well, now you know everything there is only one thing left for me to say and that is... happy swapping :) " 

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I swap a shiny sword for a lunascope

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I swap the magical creatures book for some great potions ingredients.

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I swap Fluffy (even though I don't want to) for an acromantula

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I swap liquid luck (I don't want to tho) for Dumbledore's pensieve

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I swap Dumbledore's Pensieve for one of the Restricted Section's cursed books.

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