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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Sky Alton

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Prof. Sky Alton last won the day on July 15

Prof. Sky Alton had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

270 Excellent

About Prof. Sky Alton

  • Rank
    Head of House
  • Birthday 07/16/1996

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  • Gender
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    Dashing around trying to do everything on her to-do list.
  • Interests
    Writing, Fencing, reading, both geeky and trashy TV shows.
  • Pronouns

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  1. thank you for all that you do, you really are a great person and we all appreciate you for what you do.

    Keep up the great work and we are all going to stay with you.


    (and because i saw you had a quote, i'm including a quote of the day in this)

    He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.Share this Quote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


    1. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      Thank you, that's very kind of you to say. :)

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