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Guest Anneliese Lee

Would you Rather...

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I would rather live in the Burrow.

Would you rather have your name on a Chocolate Frog Card or own Zonko's Joke Shop?

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I would pick being stalked by  a giant rubber ducky... this way I could sing Rubber Ducky and the ducky would sing along!




would you rather be allergic to chocolate


would you rather be allergic to candy

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I would rather be allergic to chocolate because candy comes in many different flavors, and I have had a lot of chocolate already to be able to sacrifice it now.


Would you rather give a long, boring speech and have your entire audience yawning, or would you rather be forced to sit through someone else's long boring speech that makes you want to fall asleep?

Edited by Galena May

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I would rather be forced to sit through someone else's long boring speech that makes me want to fall asleep. Being an eagle I would be distraught if people don't end up liking my speeches!
Someone asked me this a while back.
Would you rather 
Be in jail for 10 years ?
Be in a coma for 20 years?

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A whole lemon! It is supposed to save from a sore throat.

Would you rather be reborn as a 
Sea creature

Airborne creature

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I believe I would want to be an airborne creature.


Surprisingly I think this odd since I do have a fear of heights, but I do like the idea of soaring through the sky with the wind in my face.  


Would you rather give the perfect gift or receive it?



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Future self.


Would you rather

Have strong magic


Super advanced technology

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I would rather have strong magic!

Would you rather :
Start a new job every year until the age of 50


Pursue the same career for your entire life

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I would rather pursue the same career, especially if its something i'll enjoy


Would you rather:

have telekinesis 

or telepathy

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i hate spiders so would rather face Nagini


Would you rather own the flying ford anglia or own a nimbus 2000?

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nimbus 2000


Would you rather

Be a Hogwarts founder's apprentice for a day


Merlin's apprentice for a day

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Surely a Hogwarts Founder's Apprentice for a day.

Would you rather
Be a witch or wizard without any friends
A squib with many friends

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Eat 100 random bertoe botts every flavour bean


Would you rather:

Eat savoury or desserts for the rest of your life

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Feeling desserts right now ("dessert" also encompasses some savoury dishes)!

Would you rather:
take all your classes from 8 am to 12 noon or
take all your classes from 2 pm to 6 pm?

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Taking my classes from 8 AM to 12 Noon would give me some free time in the evening!

Would you rather:
Receive a Howler in the Great Hall
Spend a weekend with the Dursleys

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depends on the contents of the Howler spend a weekend with the Dursleys.  I know how to dress and act like a Muggle!


Would you rather:

try to ride a dragon 


try to ride a Hippogriff?

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I think a Hippogriff, because they are at least theoretically tameable, dragons are not.


Would you rather never visit Diagon Alley or never visit Hogsmeade?

Edited by Galena May

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Oh boy this is hard. Probably never visit Hogsmeade because Diagon Alley has a lot of interesting places to shop at, more so than Hogsmeade.


Would you rather try an re-pot a Mandrake or re-pot a Mimbulus mimbletonia?

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Re-pot a mandrake!


Would you rather never be able to eat a chocolate frog again, or never be able to eat a jelly snake again?

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I'd rather never be able to eat a jelly snake again, because I love snakes and wouldn't eat them.

Would you rather never play Quidditch or never have a broom race?

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