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Gryffindor Common Room

Evelin Stockom

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About Evelin Stockom

  • Birthday September 28

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  • Location
    The Roost
  • Interests
    Calligraphy, books, history, Marvel

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  1. Posted 2 times in What Am I and 3 times in Duck Duck Gosose!
  2. Add to your signature a quote related to goose.
  3. Sneakoscope! 1. I love kitten plates and teacups. 2. I was sent to Azkaban after the second Wizarding World War. 3. I claim to be a pure-blood but actually am a half-blood.
  4. Change your location to "Chasing the Goose" for 2 days!
  5. Severus Snape 1. My parents were Aurors. 2. I have a knack for herbology. 3. I receive awkward things during meals from a relative.
  6. Thank you everyone for joining in! This is your host and dearest broom buddy, Eve, on the mic! We're just starting the Annual Broom Race here in Sweden! This year's race not only includes a treacherous course with rocky cliffs, but also a dragon reservation! That's right, folks! Our riders will have to navigate through dragons! Gearing up on the starting line are some of the finest broom riders in the century, each with their shiny, modified, and classy brooms! But it's not just the broom that wins a race; it's also the agility and the smartness of our riders who lead them and their countries to victory! This year's race officiator is none other than our beloved Swedish Minister of Magic, who will be firing the command to begin the race any moment now!
  7. I've posted 2 times in Would you Rather and 3 times in Word Chain!
  8. A whole lemon! It is supposed to save from a sore throat. Would you rather be reborn as a Sea creature OR Airborne creature
  9. I would rather be forced to sit through someone else's long boring speech that makes me want to fall asleep. Being an eagle I would be distraught if people don't end up liking my speeches! Someone asked me this a while back. Would you rather Be in jail for 10 years ? OR Be in a coma for 20 years?
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