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Prof. Sky Alton

Denizens of the Deep - Task 3

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Merpeople are very protective of their settlements and their privacy. For that reason, wizards very rarely get insights into how they live day to day.

Dreadful Denizens of the Deep contains a list of artifacts that were discovered in an abandoned village that used to be inhabited by merfolk. Let’s take a closer look…

Create a collage of items you think might have been discovered in the merpeople’s village. Please keep your graphic to 600x600 pixels, upload it to an image hosting website and share the link.

Alternatively, you could create a list of items: you should include at least 8 and describe each one in 2 lines or more.

To earn 10 rubies, post your response below by the 30th of April at 23:59 HOL-time.

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List of items found in the  abandoned village that used to be inhabited by merfolk: 

1. Empty crab shells - Empty crab shells, in thousands, were found together with precious gems and rubies in close vicinity. These crab shells were probably used as containers to hold precious gems, in a place that was accessible to all merfolk, perhaps like a treasure-bank.

2. Chests full of gold coins or Galleons - The mermaids and mermen probably rescued this wealth from pirate ships or other rich ships. They didn't have any use for Galleons, but perhaps enjoyed storing them, just as a curiosity.

3. Necklaces made of cowrie shells, pearls, and beads - This one was obvious. Obviously, merpeople wear jewelry. But they use cowrie shells, pearls, and beads from under the ocean to make these jewelry.

4. Ribbons made of seaweed - Several ribbons of seaweed were woven together to form realistic hair ribbons. However, the position where these ribbons are tied, in statues created by merfolk themselves, show these ribbons tied around their tails.

5. Long spears - I believe these are weapons used to drive enemies away. Yes, merfolk also need to protect their territories from aggressors, just like humans.

6. Coral toyhouses - Yes, even merpeople play by building doll houses, but with pieces of coral. These were found in circular domed-building like formations. It is also quite possible that they let their pet plimpies live in these little doll houses.

7. Muggle common items - Dinglehoppers, I mean, what Ariel thought the fork was, fish-hooks probably from fishermen's boats or other ships, and utensils used by humans, were found in a huge collection, together. This was probably a sign of the merfolk's interest in studying humans just like our interest in studying them. They probably collected these from human ships.

8. Fish aquariums made of coral and stone - Yes, merfolk also keep pets, mainly plimpies, hippocampi, and fish. But, unlike our closed aquariums and regulated water and oxygen supply, their aquariums are more free, just like sanctuaries. These aquariums are suitably sized for a whole shoal of fish and are made of coral and stone with several openings for the fish to swim in and out and the water to come and go out freely. These several holes probably ensure that no fish are captive, but it's like a dynamic living place for the fish to come to and leave from at will, while at the same time acting as pets for the merfolk without living in one place. These aquariums were small enough to ensure that the fish would also be safe from other predators like sharks and grindylows, if they stayed inside the aquarium. There appeared deliberate shelves carved into the aquariums, probably to provide a stable surface for the fish to lay eggs for mating.




Edited by Hiya Debnath

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