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Prof. Sky Alton

Fantastic Beasts - Task 3

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Has reading about all these wonderful beasts inspired you to see them in the flesh? Maybe put some of your new found magizoological knowledge into practice?

Well, the publishers have developed a scheme where readers can apply to volunteer to work with the creature of their choice. The roles range from conservation to caretaking, so there should be something there to suit every aspiring magizoologist.

Please fill out the following application:

Which creature would you like to work with? (It must have featured in Fantastic Beasts)

Why are you keen to work with this particular creature?

What skills or aptitudes do you have that you think could prove useful in the role?

Your responses to the questions should equal 80 words in total (not including the questions)

To earn 10 rubies, please post your application below by 23:59 HOL-time on the 29th of February.

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I would like to work with the Demiguise magical creature.

This is a creature that fascinates me tremendously. The creature is very cute and extremely smart in my opinion. To be able to see a predictable future or to render one invisible are all skills a lot of the best trained witches and wizards spent years studying and trying to accomplish. 

I am very good with animals and am an aspiring magizoologist. I give off a calm aura that would assist in keeping the creature relaxed and I make it clear from the start to the creatures that I respect their boundaries and only ask to be a part of their presence. I am a good study and come off as predictable in my unpredictability which might help calm the creature and gain its trust.

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Which creature would you like to work with?

I would like to work with the Antipodean Opaleye.


Why are you keen to work with this particular creature?

I have always loved dragons, and something about the elegant fae-like beauty of the Opaleye calls to me. The fact that it is native to New Zealand is also a factor as I have spent time in the beautiful country and would love to work with some of its more magical creatures. Additionally, the Opaleye is known for being loyal and the least dangerous of dragon breeds, so it feels like the safest introduction to caring for dragons.


What skills or aptitudes do you have that you think could prove useful in the role?

I have experience with New Zealand and its flora and fauna, so I have an understanding of the Opaleye’s natural habitat. I have also spent plenty of time around sheep and am not put off by leading them to the slaughter, so would be comfortable around the Opaleye’s preferred prey. Additionally, I have spent plenty of time around large animals, and am confident in my abilities to calm them and respect them as a fellow living being.

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The creature I would most like to work with is a Sphinx. The sphinx's protective nature drew me in. The strength in their paws has always been an interest of mine. I'm also fond of the fact that despite being rated XXXX beasts, they're not very violent unless something threatens what they're protecting or guarding. Their intelligence and ability of human speech are also fascinating, as I'd enjoy talking to them even through their riddles. I'd be a good fit for the role because of my love for puzzles. Their riddles would keep me sharp, all while I could keep them mentally stimulated by engaging in their puzzles. I'm also used to being out in the heat for extended periods, so their native environment of Egypt wouldn't bother me. 

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 Which creature would you like to work with? (It must have featured in Fantastic Beasts)
I would love to work with Puffskeins!


Why are you keen to work with this particular creature?
Puffskeins intrigue me as they are noticeably adorable as soon as you look at them. All you see, is a little ball of puffy fur. I have always been intrigued by small, fuzzy adorable creatures, and Puffskeins are no exception!


What skills or aptitudes do you have that you think could prove useful in the role?
As someone who has obtained considerable experience working with cats and kneazles, I am sure my skills would smoothly transfer over within providing care for Puffskeins! They are easy to care for, and providing food and shelter for them would also be easy as they are small and can fit into almost any enclosure.

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Which creature would you like to work with? (It must have featured in Fantastic Beasts)

I would like to work with unicorns. They are gentle and pure creatures, and also my favorite creatures. Despite the bad things that can happen to one for harming unicorns, people have exploited unicorns at the risk of corrupting their soul, especially referring to the incident when Lord Voldemort, who already had less than a soul in himself, hunted the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest.


Why are you keen to work with this particular creature?


I enjoy the company of unicorns very much. Their gentleness, purity, innocence, grace, and beauty, makes me very happy. I feel refreshed when I spend time with them.


What skills or aptitudes do you have that you think could prove useful in the role?


I have the ability to understand and be one with magical creatures so that I can care for them. I can also use my communication skills and persuasion skills to spread awareness about the creatures in the magical community to protect them.



Edited by Hiya Debnath

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Which creature would you like to work with?

I would like to work with Hippogriffs (Ministry of Magic Classification: XXX).


Why are you keen to work with this particular creature?

Hippogriffs are one of those creatures that really fascinate me because of the amount of intelligence they possess, and the fact that they go by a certain set of principles and etiquettes, adds another layer of complexity to their character. I also believe that if one is respectful and careful enough while handling this creature, they can inspire extreme loyalty in them.


What skills or aptitudes do you have that you think could prove useful in the role?

I can be really patient when handling something risky, and I am a very good judge of character as well. I am sure these qualities will greatly help me deal with the Hippogriffs since one of the key elements of handling these creatures is patience and being able to understand what the animal is thinking at any given moment, based on their body language and other behavioural aspects.

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