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Gryffindor Common Room

Marianne Bowers

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Marianne Bowers last won the day on October 29 2020

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About Marianne Bowers

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  1. 7970 (I'm joining the counting team!)
  2. My first creation is made specially for pranksters. The wrapping paper looks and functions exactly like muggle wrapping paper except for a few small differences. When it's wrapped around the intended gift, the inside of the paper slowly smolders and burns the edges of the gift, although the paper looks and feels completely normal on the outside. It's perfect for when someone loses a bet and is still a bit bothered about losing, but they have to pay up. There is also a small memory charm included so that the design of wrapping paper won't be recognizable if it's used multiple times. My second design is a roll of wrapping paper made entirely of water. It is a thin sheet of liquid water that acts like a solid. The individual sheets don't flow into one another, they don't get anything else wet, and they're opaque. However, while the paper doesn't act like water, unwrapping a gift feels the same as running your hand through a soft stream of water.
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