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Gryffindor Common Room

Silvana Mandeville

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Everything posted by Silvana Mandeville

  1. The Princess Diaries! "From an early age I realized I saw the world differently than everyone else."
  2. The Lion King! "Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface … Far beneath, in some cases."
  3. Maleficent! "Things never happen the same way twice."
  4. Avengers: Age of Ultron! "Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever."
  5. It was a sunny day, the air was very cool, and Silvana had just finished all of her classes for today. She stuffed her school books into her bag quickly, decided to go back to the dorm and sleep but her eyes caught a novel inside her bag. It was a gift from her sister, which Silvana had not read until today. Grabbing her bag, she rushed outside to find a nice place to read the novel. Her feet stepped through the large door of the castle that led her to the Black Lake. There were very many students outside, some of them are her friends. Apparently, they were all enjoying their free time. Silvana's eyes searched for a tree that wasn't inhabited by anyone, choosing to stay away from the crowd. Finally, she sat on the ground while leaning against a tree trunk and then took out her novel, the cover was very unique. Open the first page and start reading it.
  6. I would use the Silencing Charm on people who chewing noisily while they eat. It was very annoying and irritate me so much :(
  7. I would use Confundus to keep myself, my family, and friends safe. I don't like it when people slander me or those I care for because they're jealous of us, so I'll use it on them to make them confused and forget about their intentions.
  8. Like Aurelia, I love exploring abandoned buildings. When I was on 7th or 8th grade, one of my neighborsㅡshe was like our leader at the time, because she was already a teenagerㅡshe liked to lead us on adventures, near our house there was a big house that had not been occupied for a long time because the owner moved out of town, we usually went to investigated it like a detective, haha. There was one entrance through the toilet which has not been completed, we usually enter through it but only end up in another room which is not finished yet. Obviously they were going to lock the door. Sometimes I was very curious about what's inside the house. I often peeked through the living room window and looked inside, wishing I could unlock the door and went inside to explore the house.
  9. My phone and books. I usually go to the lake to take pictures and sometimes I'm afraid I would drop my phone in the water. Same goes with my books, it would be good if any books of mine are waterproof so I wouldn't worry if I accidentally spilled my tea on my book when reading.
  10. Mine is chestnut wood with a phoenix feather core, 12½'.
  11. It is difficult to choose. I want either be a Healer, a Magizoologist, or a Professor at Hogwarts. I really love being a healer but I also want to study all about magical creatures. If I can't be both Healer or Magizoologist then I will stick with being a Professor, since I also love teaching :)
  12. I live in Indonesia and there is an insect called Belalang Sentadu or Belalang Sembah. In English it is called Mantis or Praying Mantis. This insect can be found across the world, especially in sub-tropical or tropical country. Mantis use camouflage to hide from predators and sneak up on prey. But not only to protects Mantis from predators, but allows them to remain almost invisible to their prey. Mantis can change colors after molting, the change is subtle and not instantaneous. These colors allow them to blend into their natural surroundings such as tree bark or green plant leaves.
  13. I would summon my glasses. Sometimes I forget where I put it and have to spend some time looking for it, especially in the morning when I have to go to work and I can't find my glasses where it belongs.
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