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Gryffindor Common Room

Rose Pottermore

Second Years
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Everything posted by Rose Pottermore

  1. I swap the Monster Book Of Monsters for the Elder Wand
  2. False Loves sleeping when it's time to wake up
  3. He became very angry and stomped out of the room closing the door with a bang, then...
  4. He started shouting at me saying things like what will his friends say when they see his hair, or what will he do on picture day, then...
  5. I went to my room and started reading a book, then...
  6. The message told me to stay in my room and don't dare disturb my brother again, then...
  7. I slap Manya for not replying to my messages on HOL
  8. 150 years into the future Would You Rather Own a Firebolt but can't ride it OR Own the Marauders Map and The Invisibility Cloak but can't use them : D
  9. I slap Manya because we are friends.
  10. His hair started changing colours from white to purple, then blue, red and so on, then...
  11. I gave her a bowl of milk so she doesn't disturb me, then...
  12. I took my wand out and started thinking what to do, then...
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