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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Sky Alton

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Everything posted by Prof. Sky Alton

  1. Thank you all so much for your help! The staff and owls of the Hogsmeade Postal Service wanted me to pass on their heartfelt appreciation for all your efforts to make their lives easier during this flurry of activity. All rubies should have been awarded now. If you think there have been any miscalculations, just let me know. I hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable rest of the year and a promising start to 2021. Now, I'm off to deliver a few last minute letters....
  2. You have just over 48 hours to turn in things for Owl Winter Long! We'll need everything signed, sealed and delivered by 11:59 PM HOL-time on December 20th.
  3. You have just over 48 hours to turn in things for Owl Winter Long! We'll need everything signed, sealed and delivered by 11:59 PM HOL-time on December 20th.

  4. The last parcel contains a pocket size mirror in a sparkly purple frame, a copy of 'Living and Thriving With Lycanthropy: 101 Ways to Support your Loved One' and a Weird Sisters T-shirt. Remember to get all your guesses in by 11:59 PM HOL-time on the 20th!
  5. The penultimate parcel contains a single toothpick
  6. Happy, happy birthday to Viola Lestrange! I hope you had a gryff-tastic day full of your favourite things.
  7. The next parcel contains a hand knitted jumper with a pattern of flames, a batch of home made mince pies and a large tub of ointment for treating burns.
  8. The 7th parcel contains a peacock feather quill, a packet of Twinkle Tooth's Dental Shimmer (For a Smile that Puts the Zing in Dazzling) and a mug that says 'World's greatest at everything'
  9. Remember there's still a few more hours to earn points with Creature Card Corral over on the main forum. While you're there, make sure to check out The Land of the Sweets which begins on Monday! Any extra points you can earn will help the house. Let's go, Gryffindor, let's go!

  10. The 6th package contains a recipe book and a tea towel celebrating Celestina Warbeck's latest 'Bewitching Ballard's' tour.
  11. Package 5 contains a book entitled 'How to Train a Troublesome Toad' and a packet of very unusual seeds.
  12. The Post Office likes to provide people with ways to make their parcels as special as possible. This is why they have an extensive range of magical wrapping paper available, with enchanting designs to suit all sorts of occasions and personalities. Show us two (2) samples of wrapping paper offered by the post office. You can do this one of two ways: 1. By describing them in at least 80 words. (that’s 80 in total, rather than per design) 2. By creating a graphic. Remember, this is magical wrapping paper so be as OTT as you like. You can also use spells to add some additional flare. It can be for any holiday or occasion that you like or be paper that could be used all year round. To earn 10 rubies, post your designs as a reply below. The deadline is 11:59 PM HOL-time on December 20th.
  13. Tis the season for points opportunities! Over in the Departments, there are projects for the doing. The Art Department are giving you a chance to deck out your Common Room and have some fun in the wintery Hogwarts grounds. Over in the Library the talk has turned to Hogwarts traditions that we never saw in the books as well as those days where everything just seems to go wrong. Deadline: 31st December The HOL forum is hopping with new things to do! Remember you have a few more days to submit stuff for Creature Card Corral too (details above!). First up, we have the annual Secret Elf Present Exchange. You get to make a gift for another HOLer, receive one and earn points into the bargain? Who on earth wouldn’t want that? Head over to the HOL Forum to sign yourself up and quickly, you only have 2 days left! Sign up Deadline: 9th December Gifts Due: 31st December We’re also off on a magical adventure to the Land of the Sweets. Starting next week, all of HOL is invited to traverse a magical kingdom based on the Nutcracker to mark the winter solstice. Points, sweets and fun: this is another no brainer. You can head over there now to read more! Deadline: 17th January The Newspapers are also ready and waiting for submissions! First up, there’s the top secret issue of the SerpenTimes which I briefed you on last time. Sneak over to the Dungeons to see if you can get to the bottom of it! I heard whispers that there are 90 points available. Deadline: 15th January. And now our very own Paw Print has gotten in on the act. We’re going all mythical with an issue themed around Legends and Folklore. Stop by the Quivering Quill to find out more. There are 90 points up for grabs! Deadline: 24th January.
  14. Package number 4 contains a wide range of different pairs of socks in eye-watering patterns.
  15. Welcome to The Den, Remi! :)
  16. Sky lightly kicks off from the ground and her broom rises gently into the icy air. She does a few circuits of the lake, her eyes streaming with cold. It seemed like such a good way to keep an eye on things to make sure nobody got into difficulty when she'd been nice and toasty by her office fire... She notices Maxim skating around with ease and skims low over the frozen surface of the lake to wave to him.
  17. Our third package is a tin patterned with thistles and filled with ginger newt biscuits. Any idea who it's destined for?
  18. Our second package is a very, very large box of Crystallised Pineapple. Know the recipient? Let us know.
  19. You join the crowds streaming down the front steps, bundled up against the bitter north wind that seems determined to throw stinging snow into your face. Nobody seems to care: the whole school is abuzz with the news that the surface of the lake has finally frozen solid. The Situation: The lake has completely frozen over and people are heading down their for the afternoon to skate, throw snowballs and generally make the most of the cold weather. Wrap up warm, grab a flask of hot butterbeer and get going before you lose what’s left of the daylight. Location: You may roleplay anywhere on the lake itself and on the shores/the surrounding parts of the grounds. Make sure you've read the guidelines before jumping in. Have fun!
  20. Plenty of excitement around The Den this week! Join us in the Hogsmeade Post Office for Owl Winter Long or have a look at the new issue of the Paw Print, our house newspaper. (Or you could do both... definitely do both)

  21. Draw up a chair and enjoy perusing the latest issue of our house newspaper. Our theme this time is patterns and rhythms. We've got fascinating pieces on music, poetry and astronomy, as well as some tasty recipes and much more besides. http://gryff.net/pawprint/issue/november-2020 Keep an eye on The Quivering Quill as we'll soon be opening submissions for the next issue.
  22. We're heading to the Hogsmeade Post Office this December to help with the winter rush! Remember to get all your submissions in by 11:59 PM on the 20th.
  23. Our first parcel contains a copy of New Theory of Numorology and some brightly coloured yarn. Think you know who it's for? Send in your answer!
  24. Welcome to the Lost and Misdirected Parcel Department! There are a lot of packages here that, for a variety of reasons (inadequate addresses, weather damage, owls getting a bit over excited and crashing into mountains), have gone astray. It’s up to us to try to work out whom a parcel is intended for by casting an x-ray charm and trying to define it from the contents. (What do you mean it’s illegal to open other peoples mail? We’re not opening it. Shhh, you’re ruining the game with your logic.) Every 2 days I will post the contents of a parcel. The item or items inside should point to a particular Harry Potter character. If you know to whom the package was being sent, send me a private message with the answer. If you’re correct, you’ll earn 2 rubies. Please set up a group PM with myself (prof. Sky Alton) and Iverian Gnash. Use this conversation to submit all your answers (by replying to it every time you’re ready to submit) rather than creating brand new ones every time. While the questions will be posted every 2 days (with the first posted on the 30th of November and the last on the 18th of December), the final deadline for all answers is 11:59 PM HOL-time on the 20th of December. You can send in your answers one by one or in batches, just remember to use one PM chain to do it and to get them in by that final deadline.
  25. It’s time for the prestigious owl of the month award! Voted for by the Post Office Staff, this is an honour given to a particular owl who has excelled with their deliveries recently. Competition is fierce, so it’s a big deal around here. To celebrate the latest winner of the award, we’d like you to either design a poster that can be displayed in the Post Office or right a profile/press release about the owl in question that will be sent to the Daily Prophet. You should include the owls name, breed and greatest achievement. You may also choose to include any of the following: their delivery stats, likes, dislikes and any other fun facts you can think of. If you choose the written option, your piece should be at least 80 words long. To earn 10 rubies, post your design as a reply below. The deadline is 11:59 PM HOL-time on December 20th.
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