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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/22 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Welcome (back) to Gryffindor Tower! This is shaping up to be an exciting school year and I’m really looking forward to seeing what it brings. First of all, there are a few announcements to make…. We added two fabulous Junior Prefects over the summer: Reyyan Azkendra and Lorainia Riverrider (who is returning to the staff after an absence). They’re already hard at work and have created our ‘Bright Beginnings Bingo’ event. Get yourself over to the Current Activities area and sign up! I’d also like to welcome Prof. Maxim Trevelyan who is joining us from Ravenclaw. Maxim has been a regular in The Den for many years (in fact, he’s won the award for the visitor with the most rubies every term since we created it), so I think he’ll feel right at home. I’m very excited to have him on the team. We’re also gearing up for our annual Gryfftoberfest, a huge party in October that gives us the excuse to drink far too much butterbeer… *clears her throat* I mean the chance to celebrate everything that makes Gryffindor what it is. So, stay tuned for news on that very soon. As ever, we’d love to hear your ideas for Gryffindor, so whether you have a suggestion for an activity or want to tell us about a new forum you think would be a great addition, please let a JP know. Whatever your plans for the school year are, I hope you have a magical time. Let’s go, Gryffindor, let’s go!
  2. 1 point
    Great job to everyone this year!!! Unfortunately, I do have to step down due to real life commitments, but I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here with you all! My journey from student and then JP to Prefect in Charge has been filled with great memories of working up crazy ideas, getting involved in endless good (evil) plots, and *cough* bothering Sky endlessly *cough* (Who said that? Wasn’t me…) Thank you to everyone here that has made my experience awesome and especially an enormous shout out to Sky for all her amazingness in every aspect! You’ve been an incredible friend and role model to me <333 While I won’t be a staff member any longer, I’ll be popping in now and again to check up. Much love to you all! <333
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