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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    First thing first before I jump into the Perfect Day option *hops on chair to attract attention* THANKS SKY, PROF. LUPIN, AND PROF. LESLIE-LEWIS FOR SUCH AN AWESOME EVENT!!! :D Now, *hops off of chair* my perfect day at the lodge would consist of sleeping in, number one :P After that, I’d have some hot tea and sit by the fire before grabbing a friend and putting on all of our gear. We’d probably, in the mayhem of this, *screams at unsuspecting people “where’s my jacket! Did you take my jacket?!* gather a few more friends to go with us until we have a good sized group. After we have all suited up, we’d hit the slopes. Of course, we would start out with Beginner, or, maybe, we’ll go for Expert Advanced *runs to a practically drop down cliff with a Black Diamond sign, “this looks good”* After falling off our skis for a good two hours, we will all head back to the lodge where Sky will hand us all hot chocolate (Thanks, Sky! :D). Together, we will sit by the fire and I will make a big announcement while some of us fight over who won Monopoly in the corner. “Now, everyone! I knows it’s freezing, but I have knitted everyone fluffy mittens! *hands out assorted pairs of mittens to everyone* If anyone would also like a warm hat, I can also whip up one in your color choice, so just let me know!” Then, I would head to the game room where the Monopoly fight has finally begun to wrap itself up with money flying across the room and a player insulting the other’s train playing piece (your moves don’t count, because a train obviously needs a track to move, so I win!). I will steer myself away from this fight even though my inner self is screaming to get involved. I will instead join a friend at a cozy table to play the Game of Life. Looking forward to dinner and maybe a scavenger hunt closer to bed (because I took and hid Prof. Zenix’s snow boots). Well, this should be an interesting day!
  2. 1 point
    Beginner: 15 Rubies 1. Snowflakes and human fingerprints are commonly said to have what in common? 2. The term Aurora Borealis refers to what natural occurrence? Decision: Left, right or upright 3. When was the last London Frost fair 4. From which language does the word ski descend? 5. What do you hold onto while skiing? Decision: Left, right or upright? 6. What’s the lowest natural temperature ever recorded at ground level on earth? Decision: Left, right or upright? 7. Complete this line from a popular song: “Oh the weather outside is frightful…” Standings: Maxim Trevelyan - 5:30 Iverian Gnash and Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis - 6:30 Shadow Gaunt and Arianna Stonewater - 7:00
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