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Gryffindor Common Room
Prof. Sky Alton

Unfogging the Future - Task 2

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There’s a great deal about defining the future from the movement of the planets in Unfogging the Future. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get tangled up in calculations, particularly when you find yourself with unaspected planet.


You could plough through… Or you could use Harry and Ron’s old divination standby. Make it up.


Make some predictions about your life for the next week: there should be at least one prediction for each day (but you should post all 7 in a single reply). Your predictions should be as wild and outlandish as you can make them. Each should be at least 10 words long (written in your own words) for full credit.


Post your predictions below by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of August to earn 10 rubies!

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I predict that I will be able to invent a spell that can repair a lot of broken magical items such as broomsticks and wands and also restore their magical properties, which is currently not possible without the Elder Wand. This spell will be able to restore a broken wand or other magical object, and also impart certain protective properties to it so that it becomes somewhat harder to break the item a second time.  



I predict that I will be able to invent a potion that will allow squibs to cast some spells for a limited amount of time until the effects of the potion wear off. The degree of effect of this potion will vary from squib to squib. Some squibs might be able to cast a wider range of spells as compared to others. This will be a very useful invention, as it will allow squibs to study witchcraft and wizardry as well. Now whether any wand will choose them due to this potion, cannot be said for sure, in which case they could use a real wand (if possible) or some other object like a stick made of wand-wood to help channel their magic.



I predict that I will invent a device that allows us to eat boiled vegetables but make them taste like anything we like, ranging from pizzas to roasted turkeys to chocolate cakes.



I predict that I will be able to invent a pair of glasses that will allow any witch or wizard to see Thestrals, even if they have not seen death.



I predict that I will be able to invent a spell or potion that provides a certain degree of protection from the Imperius Curse, the Cruciatus Curse and the Killing Curse such that if any one of these spells are cast on a witch or wizard, the spell or potion will help them defend against the curse and in turn not get completely affected by it, which in case of the Killing Curse means, the witch or wizard won't die. If I invent it as a potion, then the person must have consumed it beforehand (thus this will be more of a precautionary use case) whereas if I invent it as a spell, the person could use it like any other defensive spell, and with proper timing, they will be able to defend themselves in a duel.



I predict that I will be able to invent a Magical Robe that will allow even intermediate witches and wizards to perform wandless magic, which is something only very advanced witches and wizards like Albus Dumbledore could do.



I predict that I will be able to establish an organization called The International Confederation of Wizarding Nations (ICWN), which will be a global organisation to which all the Ministries of Magic in the world will legally answer to, and I will be the Head of this organisation.

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Monday - I will wake up in an unfamiliar place, get up, and investigate my surroundings for a few minutes, only to discover that I have actually been kidnapped by a new race of aliens attempting to take over our planet, who confused me for the President of the United States, and thought they would be able to bargain with me. They return me to Hogwarts after discovering I can't help them.


Tuesday - I fall into a deep sleep in the middle of one class, and my peers spend hours trying to wake me. It turns out that the only thing able to wake me up is the sound of a dog barking 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.'


Wednesday - During dinner, I seem to lose my sense of taste entirely, and use the opportunity to try foods I haven't liked the look of before. In doing so, I discover that I am allergic to brussel sprouts.


Thursday - During the night, I wake up suddenly, but can not remember why, or what I was dreaming about. The following morning, I mention this to my friends and it transpires that we all had identical experiences. One person recalls the dream they had before, which we were all in. The dream was about a rooster, an old printing press, and some bubble wrap.


Friday - As I preparing for my first class of the day, I will accidentally pack the wrong book. When I return to my dormitory later to pick up the correct book, I discover a magical plant snaking in between our beds. The plant stops moving as I enter, and it appears to try and hide under one bed. I ignore it and continue with my day.


Saturday - We have a scheduled trip to Hogsmeade planned, and I will attend, stopping by at Zonko's joke shop. However, the shop will not have any fun products, and will instead have been taken over by an older man named Bob, a distant relative of Albus Dumbledore, who has repurposed the building into a muggle hardware shop. None of the students have the heart to tell him that no muggles come to Hogsmeade.


Sunday - A quidditch game is scheduled to take place, but this will be cancelled, due to an unprecedented amount of owls flying over the pitch and sitting in the stands. No one is sure where the owls have come from, and they do not appear to be carrying letters. It turns out that it is time for the bi-annual meeting of the International Confederation Of Owls (ICOO), led by the minister of owls, Owly McOwl. At the meeting, the owls decide they should start requesting payment for their services in delivering letters, and agree to begin a strike if their demands are not met.

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Monday-While doing my best impression of Hermione, I will be curled up in solitary bliss with Hogwarts, a History.  Closing my eyes, I can envision myself hurtling backward in time and witnessing first-hand our rich magical history.  Now, whether it is by divine intervention, my own intellect, or something else entirely, I cannot say, but these words came unbidden to my lips; Tempus Viator. I found out later that it means “Time Traveler”.  Interesting.   At any rate, when I opened my eyes I was standing inside this cave, with colorful crystals nearly blinding me so brilliant was their shine.  A man came forward to meet me, and it was no other than Merlin himself.  We had quite a lovely afternoon, and even enjoyed a bit of tea before my return to the present (or future as the case may be).  So yeah, I invented the Time Traveler spell-go me!


Tuesday-Today, I will invent this nifty device that makes plants and animals capable of speech.  It sees rather silly at first, but it does have its practical uses as well.  Imagine being able to ascertain what is wrong with an ailing flower or niffler without having to go through all those tedious processes to do so.  Merely lay the Loquela Factorum (speech maker) against the animal/plant and there you go.  I predict that I will make a fortune with this little invention of mine.


Wednesday-Today I will find myself going through my closet looking for something..anything…to wear.  Outfit after outfit will get discarded and I will grow more and more annoyed.  Forcing myself to calm, I close my eyes and envision my perfect outfit, waving my wand around in random circles.  I will feel a sort of static in the air and hear a crackling sound as I open my eyes and reach for my not-very stylish green jumper with a sigh.  As soon as my hands close around the material, however, the jumper transforms into my dream outfit instantly.  I have no idea how that happened, but I’m sure glad it did.


Thursday-I will find myself in Herbology class, but instead of sitting at my desk, I will be standing at the front.  As the students file in, they address me as Professor Emily and take their seats looking at me expectantly.  To make things even weirder, Professor Sky will enter the room wearing my Slytherin robes and taking her seat with the rest of the students.  Okkkkay then.  Anyone who knows me, knows that Herbology was not exactly my strong suit, but apparently now I’m an expert on the subject as the lesson goes off without a hitch and no one (including myself) getting injured.  Talk about role reversal!


Friday-Today will find me having a conversation with Moaning Myrtle, who for once (miraculously) is not moaning at all.  Rather, we are chatting like old friends and I smile at her, removing a potion vial from my book bag and hand it to her.  The liquid is bright pink and smells like cotton candy, and at my urging she will begin to drink it down with a smile.  The air around her shimmers and she begins to take on a solid form until she is as solidly human as you and I.  Somehow, I have restored her to the living!  This is a pretty nifty invention, and hand in hand, we go off to find Professor Maxim to show him the miracle that my potion has done.


Saturday-Today will find me at the Quidditch Piitch, which is  unusual enough as it is.  But wait…it gets better!  I’m not a mere spectator, but actually I up one a broom flying with the rest of the Slytherin Team.  The crowds are going crazy nd chanting my name EMILY EMILY!!!  I have a moment of complete and utter panic, as I do not know the least thing about Quidditch and want off this broom NOW!  From the corner of my eye, I see a winged horselike creature flying straight for me, and I find myself snatch up in his talons.  EEEK!  I don’t want to be an afternoon snack!!  Miraculously, the creature swoops down and deposits me gently on the ground.  I hurry out of there as quickly as I can.  That was a close one!


Sunday-Today I will find myself in the Great Hall staring at the Sorting Hat.  It looks so old and sad, I almost feel sorry for it.  It’s such an important part of Hogwarts, and certainly deserves an update of sorts.  On a whim, I take out my wand and tap the crown twice while chanting Pulchra Specie (beautiful appearance).  The air pulses and a rainbow of tiny stars burst from the tip of my wand, falling all over the surface of the Hat.  It looks brand new and vibrant and not sad at all anymore.  To test out the spell, I tap the Hat again and chant the appropriate words,. And the Hat changes again to another beautiful design.  Yay for the Hat!

Edited by Emily Spencer

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Monday:  While preparing my classes for the upcoming term, I will realise that I had somehow forgotten how to spell "Creaothceann" and will end up having to refer to it using "that Scottish game with the boulders" as placeholder language instead.


Tuesday:  I will get caught on one of the moving staircases while heading from the Dungeons to the Great Hall and fall halfway back down the stairs before remembering that I can use magic to halt my fall.


Wednesday:  As the sun enters Virgo late in the morning, I will discover that I had been saying one particular word wrong for my entire life and will wonder how on earth I got that misconception (was it a Mandela effect?)


Thursday:  Nothing eventful will happen at all this day, and I will be happy that for a change nothing went wrong... lulling me into a set of false confidence.


Friday:  After such a calm Thursday, I will be caught off guard when I'm woken up by falling out of my bed, hitting the floor with a hard thump and having to go to the hospital wing - but I'll be released in time for lunch!


Saturday:  I will try the latest chocolate from Honeydukes and discover that it is so delicious that every other chocolate I had tasted beforehand will now be wasted on me!


Sunday:  After such an intense week, I will relax by flying around on my Thunderbolt VIII and end up flying at the fastest speed I had ever flown in my life!

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