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Gryffindor Common Room

Carrie Warts

Third Years
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Everything posted by Carrie Warts

  1. *ouch* I slap Ada cuz she can always join us at Flourish and Blotts ^.^
  2. I swap a visit to the order of the phoenix for a visit to the Room of Requirements
  3. I slap Ada cuz she is up late too!
  4. I swap a portkey for a trip to the Ministry
  5. I gently slap Emerald cuz I assume she can’t sleep :( *I’m having a hard time falling asleep*
  6. I swap a box of sherbet lemons for floo powder
  7. The invisibility cloak I’m thinking of a Hogwarts professor
  8. I swap the invisibility cloak for a Florean Fortescue ice cream
  9. I slap Ada for staring so much at her badge *reminds me of Percy ^_^*
  10. so true loves karaoke
  11. No O _ _ _ _ _ E _ i _ (9 letter word) Lives: 6 Letters guessed: a, e, i, o
  12. Yes I _ _ _ _ _ E _ I _ (9 letter word) Lives: 7 Letters guessed: a, e, i
  13. I swap the Elder wand (whaaaat?!) for the Resurrection Stone
  14. I slap Savannah for slapping Dario *it's so good to see you at Peeves' place, Dario! *waves*
  15. guilty but only in swimming pools not in the sea Would eat dessert before meal any giving day
  16. Yes E! _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ (9 letter word) Lives: 7 Letters guessed: a, e
  17. I swap the Slytherin locket for Ravenclaws diadem
  18. No A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9 letter word) Lives: 7 guessed letters: a
  19. I would say dance along because I cannot reach every note Would you rather have the invisibility cloak or the marauders map?
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