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Iverian Gnash

Fourth Years
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Everything posted by Iverian Gnash

  1. Totally guilty. Then you pretend that you had your hands in the air because you were fixing your hair. Wow! That rhymes! Has made a plan to do something, stuck with it for barely a day and then forgot about it. Ex: run each day for an hour or two
  2. There should be a time to commemorate all the brave people who fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. We could have everyone come outside on a certain day and shoot a spell into the air for each person who fought. There would be no class that day (YAY!!!) and it would be a time to also celebrate us winning that battle. There would also be an enormous feast that everyone was invited to. (even parents and siblings of the kids) Afterward, (the feast would be in the Afternoon) every one, third year and up, would be allowed to hang out in Hogsmeade for the evening.
  3. I'm going to say that Luna Lovegood was a rather brave character in the Harry Potter series. She stuck up for her father when everyone thought they were crazy and she didn't seem phased when she was a prisoner in Malfoy Manor. She didn't have many friends and yet was never mean to anyone and treated everyone equally while still believing the things that she believed in. Luna was teased by the other students for her crazy beliefs about different things, her father, and her father's newspaper, The Quibbler, but yet try to think of one time when Luna was ever nasty to another student. Think back to when the students would take Luna's things and hide them in places and yet Luna didn't have anything nasty to say about them. I think that this shows a high level of courage just to be nice to people when you have no reason to.
  4. Narrator: In a lovely kingdom far, far away... (beautiful scenery of castle with small houses around) Narrator: There lived a young princess. But that’s beside the point. (An old hag brews a potion) Narrator: We’re really focusing on her. (old hag appears again bottling the potion and putting a sign on the jar that reads “Drought of Living Death”) Hag: *cackles loudly* That princess stays up in that castle with her family eating pastries all day, while we work. Well, we’ll see how she feels after she has a dose of this. (Holds up bottle) Narrator: The wicked hag poisoned the princess. (hag drizzles potion all over spinning wheel) (you watch as the young girl pricks her finger on it and then falls down) Narrator: Who will save her and how? Find out in “The Real Sleeping Beauty”. Coming Spring 2019.
  5. Narrator: When the world was mostly at peace... (flash of light) Narrator: A new revolt started. (Blip of swords clashing against each other) Narrator: But who started this revolt and what was their story? (while fighting with a wizard, a goblin starts to talk) Elfric the Eager: I had every reason to begin a revolt! Those blasted wizards were beginning to (grunts as he blocks a spell with his sword and then swings it at the wizard) act like they were our rulers! I will not stand for such a demeaning reputation as their slaves! I want the next generation of goblins to know that we are more than doormats to wizards. Narrator: Learn about his exciting and compelling story in the new movie, Elfric the Eager. Coming Summer 2019.
  6. Did anyone know that I was an awesome artist? Once, I decorated everyone’s school bags with my awesome art. I had a lot of enemies that year, but at least we all had bright neon bags with random pictures all over them (until a professor received complaints, I received detention, and everyone’s bags went back to normal with a simple removing spell).
  7. This last award I want to hand out is something that I will definitely not be utilizing. This award is for the students who can go a whole school year without getting a detention. Now, for most of us, *thinks of last weeks detention* *thinks of yesterday’s detention* we cannot seem to stay out of detention; our existence at Hogwarts involves breaking the rules, then detention, then breaking, then detention. But, for the select few who that does not apply to, we need to give them an award for being unadventurous and boring, otherwise known as getting no detention. They will receive a nice shiny award at the ending feast and, like my other awards, they will receive a few extra points on their finals.
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARIO!!! Have a great one! What's that? Confetti? I love confetti and dangerous potions! haha
  9. This award goes to the children that submit all of their homework in early and, of course, correctly. Many students, mostly Ravenclaws and Slytherins, work hard to get all of their homework in early so that they have time to do other things. This is helpful towards the professors who are then allowed more time to grade things instead of everybody sending it all in right before the deadline or on the day of. These students need to be recognized because they make professor's lives easier and because they are hard workers who put their studies first. Like the previous award I mentioned, this award will come with a few extra points on the final; let's say, 8. So if a students score is 78, they will have it brought up to an 86. This will also encourage other students to do the same in the future.
  10. I'm not sure if you're aware, but my convincing skills are fantastic! I once convinced a whole group of Gryffindor's to go into the Forbidden Forest with me over the weekend. It was fantastic although a little scary when the centaurs got angry with us and we had to flee the forest only to run into a professor. We all received detention, but IT WAS WORTH IT!!!
  11. This award goes to the children who help others with their homework the most. A lot of kids help their peers for no pay and nothing in return. These people need to be noticed because, without them, students grades will have probably gone down. If you have the person you help sign a piece of paper and the time and date you helped them with their homework, whatever professor you choose will give you extra credit in any assignment. This will get the students noticed and encourage them to help each other whenever possible. At the end of the year, whoever helped out the most in each class gets an extra five points on the final ;)
  12. Planning award. This award is for people who help the most with planning things whether they be parties, classes, or even detention! Many Hogwarts students help every day with various things and they are never recognized for it so here is a special award for them. This award would be a get out of detention free card. The recipient would receive a card that was signed by the head master saying that they were not required to attend one detention. (I need one of those, haha). I guess the ickle first years would need such a reward to keep them motivated. Maybe we could even give them a shiny medal for it too.
  13. My last hero is Narcissa Malfoy. I now that Narcissa is not a commonly liked character, but without her, Harry Potter would have died at the Battle of Hogwarts and the world would be dark and ruled by The Dark Lord, Delphini, and the Death Eaters. Narcissa wasn't always mean to everyone. She cared for her family and did what she needed to do to keep them alive. She never was a Death Eater although, she attended the meetings when Draco was made a Death Eater to keep him safe. When she was specifically told not to tell anyone what Lord Voldemort wanted Draco to do, she was willing to go against Lord Voldemort's wishes to seek protection for her son. Finally, when she was told to check if Harry Potter was still alive, all she cared about was her son. She asked Harry if Draco was alright and then lied to everyone and told them that Harry Potter was dead. Afterward, she went after her son and then left the Dark Side. So, maybe, she didn't start off as everyone's favorite sister, but she shouldn't be on people's hate list. Narcissa was just following what her older sister, Bellatrix, did when she even put herself in the position of being the husband to a Death Eater and later the mother to a Death Eater. She did what she knew and was familiar with like so many people do.
  14. Alrighty, I am know nominating Nymphadora Tonks. She is one of my favorite characters and she went through a lot. Her mother married Ted Tonks who was not a pureblood much to the displeasure of her family. Nymphadora’s aunt is Bellatrix Lestrange and if you think about it that had to have been pretty hard on her. She grew up in a family that was disowned by her mother’s side and yet Nymphadora still has a hugely funny side to her and she didn’t let her family problems get in the way.
  15. I would like to nominate Cho Chang. Cho Chang got a bit of attention in the books, but not that much other than Harry really liking her. Cho attended Hogwarts from 1990-1997. She fell in love with Cedric Diggory and dated him a bit. She attended the Yule Ball with him. Sadly, he was killed by Peter Pettigrew on The Dark Lord's orders. She went through a hard time after that. Later, she dated Harry, but it didn't go so well. I think that Cho Chang is such a strong figure to people who have had deaths of loved ones and disappointments in their lives. Cho picked herself back up after this and ended up marrying a muggle. In her sixth year, she joined the DA and she fought heroically in the Battle of Hogwarts.
  16. It happened when an employee fell into a toilet and got his leg stuck. He tried to apparate out and that’s how they got the idea. ;) What would the misistry do with children criminals who if they were were an adult would be put into Azkaban, but sense they are children cannot be?
  17. I’m going to first nominate Charity Burbage. She was the muggle studies teacher at Hogwarts while Harry Potter was going. She had taught muggle studies for a while and she believed and taught the students that witches, wizards, and muggles were all equal and they should be allowed to mingle with each other. She believed that muggles should be treated with the same respect that witches and wizards were treated with. Sadly, the Death Eaters captured her and The Dark Lord killed Professor Burbage during the Second Wizarding War during a meeting. She died for what she believed in and I think that that’s something we should all give her credit for and be proud of her for.
  18. My last portrait to introduce is who we all call “book worm.” I’m not sure what her real name is, but her portrait is located in the library. She always has her face buried in a book. Every now and then she’ll look up and quiet someone nearby. Her portrait depicts her sitting in a plush chair with books stacked around her. I asked the librarian about her and she told me that the “book worm” was depicted after the daughter of a noble man centuries ago. His daughter grew ill and he decided to make a portrait of her in her honor so when she wasn’t there any more he would have someone to talk to. Together, they began to teach the portrait everything. Unfortunately, the girl passed away before much could be taught to her portrait. All the “book worm” knows how to do is read, hush people, and she can talk a bit, but not much. I’ll introduce her and let her tell a bit about herself. “Hello, I don’t know my name. I was never taught it. I assume I’m around fourteen or so. This book is really very interesting. Please leave and be quiet now, I’m trying to read.” She’s not much of a talker but at least she introduced herself a bit. Her story is kind of sad. She’s is the back of the library next to a shelf of books. She stays there all day and rarely visits any other portraits.
  19. I’m submitting one portrait a day, so for today I want to tell you of a portrait who is not going to be as liked as the others. I’m not sure why Hogwarts keeps this portrait around, and I’ll tell you why. This portrait is named Andy, or something like that, I’ve never stopped to ask him. He is on the wall next to a rarely used moving staircase. Whenever someone does go past him, he yells insults at them. It can be rather funny at times and, I hate to admit it, but I have tainted him with my friend before. I can’t really have him introduce himself, because he won’t comply, but I will walk past him and tell you what he says. “I was sleeping you fool! Why would you walk down here anyway?! Get going!” Ya, alright, so he’s not as bad as he usually is. I asked a professor about him and she said he was modeled after a comedian who was known to have a feisty temper. Unfortunately, the comedian decided to teach his portrait his bad side first before teaching it his funny side. He was killed in a duel with a wizard who took offense to his comedy before his portrait learned anything else. A student, thinking it was funny (probably the Weasley twins), found the portrait stashed away somewhere and stuck it there where no one has moved it.
  20. Clay (by Grace Vanderwaal) How do you feel about school?
  21. My next portrait that I would like to introduce is unknown to most people. It is a portrait of a boy who plays chess. Literally, he plays chess all the time. He is in the dungeons all the way down the hallway. He’s very nice, but a bit quiet. However, he will challenge you to a game of chess, with you telling him where you want your piece moved to. He’s going to introduce himself a bit: Hello, umm... my name is Alex. I play chess a lot and it’s my favorite thing to do. I am quite lonely down here and appreciate it when someone takes the time to notice me. Sorry, he’s a bit shy. However, during a chess game I found out a bit about him. Apparently, Alex was a boy who was a well-known chess player. He was pretty good at it and he won tons of awards. Sadly, he got sick after a big chess tournament and people started to help him to make a portrait of himself. They couldn’t quite finish in time, so his real personality can’t shine through, since it was never taught.
  22. ‘Dangerous' Dai Llewellyn was known for the dangerous things he would do during a quidditch match. Once, while on a holiday with a fellow friend and quidditch player, his friend dared him to screw around with a Chimaera just because Dai Llewellyn told his friend there was no way he would do it. His friend, looking for some amusement found no danger in it. Finally, for ten galleons, Dai agreed to do it. However, his act of stupidity and tempting a dangerous animal cost him his life. His friend, full of sadness and guilt at having caused Dai’s death, quit the quidditch team and went to live in a secluded village somewhere in Africa. How did the people appoint a new headmaster and do you think that they tried to appoint one that was impartial towards the houses?
  23. My good portrait friend Vivian is an aspiring musician. She lives in a secret corridor down the second-floor hallway. The corridor isn't that secret, because most students know about it, but it's not a stretch of hallway that's used very much. Vivian can play any instrument imaginable. She will play for you for hours if you have time. Vivian and I have sort of bonded over music you could say. Sometimes, when I have nothing better to do, I'll go and sit next to her portrait and allow her to play for me while I study in the deserted corridor or knit a bit. When Vivian isn't playing, she's talking, a lot. We carry on conversations that aren’t very meaningful sense she is a portrait and therefore is just a replica of a person. Now, Vivian wants to tell you a bit about herself. Hello! I’m Vivian, the most wonderful portrait in all of Hogwarts. I think I was placed in this lonely corridor to brighten it up a bit, but most people say that folks couldn’t stand my loud music all day every day. I think it’s rather beautiful loud. Vivian was put on canvas after her famous lady, Vivian the second, died in 1603. Vivian the second was a wonderful musician, the best some said. Before she died, they made a portrait of her so everyone could remember her.
  24. Fortunately the Dark Wizard turns out to not be a dark wizard after all
  25. Sure, I'll PM Sky some of my energy. *mimicks Bellatrix Lestrange's crazy laughter* I slap Sky for being on HOL every time I look at the member list. ;)
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