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Gryffindor Common Room

Iverian Gnash

Fourth Years
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Everything posted by Iverian Gnash

  1. Personally, I think my patronus is a dolphin because they are very social creatures who are super friendly. One article says 'Dolphins are intelligent friendly animals who love to play tricks'. So, ya, especially with that last part I think we can all agree that a dolphin is pretty much my patronus. ;) Dolphins' personalities can change quickly from friendly to aggressive which is interesting to note.... and people say that dolphins have as many different personalities as humans do. Also, I love the water and swimming is one of my favorite sports (yes, we're gonna consider it a sport :P) so I guess that's a pretty good reason to support my argument. Dolphins also have a unique language that helps them to communicate with each other which also relates to me... *walks down hallway clicking tongue for no apparent reason XD* So yup, I think a dolphin would be patronus.
  2. Yes :D - e - r - a r - (Come on Shad :DDD)
  3. Iverian Gnash

    1 - 10 000

    3884 aww, that one was pretty
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