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Gryffindor Common Room

Iverian Gnash

Fourth Years
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Everything posted by Iverian Gnash

  1. Iverian Gnash

    Going Global

    If you thought we would allow you to stay inside and enjoy your summer, you're unfortunately mistaken so pack your bags! This summer we'll be touring four wizarding schools - Beauxbatons, Castelobruxo, Ilvermorny, and Uagadou - to broaden our horizons.
  2. No R or O :/ _ _ _ a _ a _ (7 letters) Lives: 5
  3. Yes, there is one A, there are no B's. _ _ _ a _ a _ (7 letters) Lives: 7
  4. I slap Carrie because she's literally everywhere doing everything :D
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY!!! Hope you have a fantastic day :D
  6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7 letters) Lives: 8
  7. Question 9: Do they work at Hogwarts?
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