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Vanessa Tilley

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Everything posted by Vanessa Tilley

  1. Frost fairy because I love cold and I like the idea of making pretty things with ice. Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
  2. True -- all the time! I actually read the last page before I read a book. Watched fireworks last night.
  3. One eyed One horned Flying Purple People Eater What did you hear through the grapevine?
  4. I tell the Centaurs that someone is messing around in the forest and watch them chase you away. My Hill
  5. Pizza I am thinking about something that scares a lot of people.
  6. I have been singing since I learned to talk. I made up songs when I was was little then took chorus all through school. I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t sing at least one song during the day. I wish I could play an instrument but specifically the piano. I love piano music!
  7. I totally agree Lora! Hot chocolate with marshmallows is wonderful and yummy.
  8. I also dealt with this problem not only in school but also at my previous jobs and I know that I am still dealing with the effects of that years later. My husband and I made sure that his children know bullying is bad. My stepdaughter even stands up to anyone who messes with her big brother. Along with what Lora and Sky have said, my mother used to always tell me that at the end of the day, the one person who matters is you. You are only responsible for your actions and no one else’s opinion matters as long as you follow what you believe is right. Sky and Ivey are wonderful for talking to you if you have a concerns and have helped me get through a lot. Don’t be afraid to reach out because they are the sweetest.
  9. Being brave for me is doing what you believe is right, standing by your decision, and dealing with whatever happens even knowing there may be bad consequences to your actions. I also believe people that are brave are a bit selfless because they put others before themselves a lot of the time.
  10. I like waffles but I prefer pancakes. I feel like I can make more interesting options with pancakes and I love making pancakes in cute shapes.
  11. I have always wanted to see The Phantom of the Opera live because it is one of my favorites. I will say I have been lucky and have been able to see Wicked, Throughly Modern Millie, Spamalot, and Aida live. Two of which I was actually able to see on Broadway in New York.
  12. Bowtruckle! I'm thinking of something I never go anywhere without.
  13. I would rather sing everything I say because I LOVE the goat in Hoodwinked who has the same ailment. Would you rather go to the opera or go to a musical?
  14. True-ish. I never read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Has done karaoke in front of a crowd
  15. Guilty. I have like a movie adaption better then the actual book.
  16. So, changes all the time, currently my favorite show is All Hail King Julian!!
  17. Pasta is the best!!! I can eat it every day and be very happy :)
  18. Technically, my favorite drink isn't listed because I am a 100% tea drinker all day long. I ended up voting for coffee but only because I have to have coffee in the fall because pumpkin spice is AMAZING!
  19. So this answer, like all questions about my favorites usually, changes quite often because I love so many singers. At the current moment, the singer that I have been listening to a LOT lately is Elton John. The man is truly talented and I was lucky enough to get to see him in concert. Still my favorite concert I have seen so far.
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