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Prof. Sky Alton

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Everything posted by Prof. Sky Alton

  1. F.Y.E.O (remember to include both the answer an a new abbreviation)
  2. For HOL? I wish. Innocent Can recite a scene from Harry Potter word perfectly.
  3. Welcome to The Den, Louis!
  4. Make sure you've sent in all your submissions for the latest issue of our house newspaper, themed around 'something sweet'. It's a great chance to earn some last minute house points so head over to the Quivering Quill forum for more infomation!
  5. May is upon us! That means we're heading towards the end of term as fast as one of those accursed Gringotts carts. It also means there's plenty of points opportunities for the taking. 'Use the force...' to get yourself over to the main HOL forum where you have the chance to train as a Jedi Knight. With weeks of cosmic fun to be had and 80 points up for grabs, silly to miss it you would be. Deadline: 31st May The departments have projects up and running. You can snaz up your school trunk and reflect on what you've accumulated this year in the Art Department while the Library is full of mysterious whispers as they tackle secrets and small talk. There's a maximum of 40 points available in each department so go and try your hand. June's projects will also be released towards the end of this month (as they finish earlier next month due to the end of term) so keep a look out for those. Deadline for May's Projects: 31st May Alte Sententiam is looking for astronomically awesome articles, stories, graphics and puzzles for its final issue of the year (the theme for the DBC is: 'Sun and Stars'). Check out the Great Hall on the HOL forum for details about the creative writing and photography opportunities or drop Gail Allen a message if you'd like to write an article or provide a puzzle. There are 90 points available in all. Deadline: 31st May SerpenTimes has dreamed up a theme for their final issue of the term as well. Let your powers of invention run wild as they're focusing on all things to do with imagination. There are another 90 points for the earning here so be sure to head over to the Dungeons to find out more. Deadline: June 15th I hope the term is treating you well. Let's finish it in style! (And with plenty of points)
  6. Take a break from earning those points to flip through the latest issue of our house newspaper, The Paw Print. This time, we're traveling all over the world from the comfort of our armchairs by the fire as we explore the theme of 'destinations'. Articles, reviews, poems, recipes - we've got it all. http://gryff.net/pawprint/issue/may-2020 Want to be featured in the next issue? Keep an eye on the Quivering Quill forum as we'll be opening for submissions very soon.
  7. How's May going for you all? I cannot believe we're this far through the term already. :)

    1. Lorainia Riverrider

      Lorainia Riverrider

      May is good.Busy getting on last assignments. Term has gone fast by.

    2. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      *slides in* May's going pretty well, getting lots of general things done. And yeees, the term has gone by fast :D *always feels like that at the end of every year*

    3. Raevia Ward

      Raevia Ward

      March just did not end, but after that, I can't believe it's already the third week of May! So many things to doo

  8. Hi Sakura! Welcome to the CR
  9. Way to go, GQT!

    1. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      YES! Amazing job, team! We did great :D

  10. I slap Emerald for being stronger than she thinks
  11. I slap Ivey for also being a duckling
  12. You certainly are! Pull up a chair. :)
  13. A new month, a new lot of chances to fill up that Gryffindor hourglass. We're still holding strong in third place and let me tell you, that is sensational for us. We need to keep working hard to make this a historical year for Gryffindor though so keep it up, everyone! The Departments have new projects on offer. The Art Dept is holding its very own 'Weighing of the Wands' and also encouraging you to play some games. In the Library, it's all very mysterious as they're speculating about the truth behind some unanswered wizarding questions and delving into the dreams of Harry Potter characters. Each project has a maximum of 20 points up for grabs so head over their ASAP. Deadline: april 30th As I mentioned above, our beloved Paw Print is awaiting your submissions. Head to the Quivering Quill and help us make this the best issue yet. Even if you don't consider yourself much of a writer, there are other ways you can fill the pages so why not give it a try? There are 90 points up for grabs! Deadline: April 27th Looking far into the future now (it never hurts to be prepared), the SerpenTimes is accepting submissions for its final issue of the year in June. Once you've finished all of April's offerings, why not head over to Slytherin and see what's what? Just look out for Basil, the friendly neighbourhood basilisk. Deadline: June 15th That's all for this month but I've heard rumours that there may be something exciting happening over on the main forum in a few weeks so keep your ear to the ground for more on that. Let's go, Gryffindor, let's go!
  14. I often get asked to recommend HOL classes and my go-to response is to ask what type of homework the asker actually likes to do. There are so many ways to complete HOL assignments: true/false, fill in the blanks, short answer questions, essays, graphics, puzzles and even watching movies. I’m a very creative person so a lot of writing in a class doesn’t faze me which definitely isn’t the case for lots of HOLers I know. My favourite type of homework though is opinion questions. I love to be able to sink my teeth into a good argument. What’s your favourite part of an assignment? (Feel free to include your least favourite too, just no bashing of individual classes, please.)
  15. Make sure you've sent in all your fabulous articles, graphics and other news worthy endeavours to The Paw Print by 11:59 PM HOL-time on the 27th. Head over to the Quivering Quill forum for more details.
  16. I slap Emerald because I'm glad to see her.
  17. A happy, happy birthday to Adaleine Shuster! Ada, I hope you have an amazing day full of your favourite things. I'll start pouring the butterbeer.
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