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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Sky Alton

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Posts posted by Prof. Sky Alton

  1. Join us on adventure into the wonderous realm of the fae where they’re busy celebrating winter in all its icy, shimmering splendour.

    What will you see? Who will you meet? And perhaps most importantly, will you manage to find your way out again in time? After all, there are plenty of tales of mortals who have tarried too long in the land of the fae and either remained their forever or came back to find that the real world had moved on without them.

    There are 2 tasks in this main forum: you need to complete at least 1 of them to receive the password to the court itself (though you're welcome to complete them both, if you like). Once you’ve completed one of them, send a group message including at least 3 Gryffindor staff members (Prof. Maxim Trevelyan, Lorainia Riverrider, Reyyan Azkendra, Janne Halla or myself) and one of us will get back to you with the password as soon as we can. Please be patient!

    There are a further 8 tasks waiting for you in the subforum. That means there are 10 tasks overall, each worth 10 rubies. Anyone who completes all 10 will receive a 10 ruby bonus, meaning there are 110 up for grabs in total.

    If you are having difficulty with a task for accessibility reasons, please let a staff member know and we’ll work with you to find a suitable alternative.

    Everything is due by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of December. Have fun… but remember to keep your wits about you!

  2. A rowdy chorus of happy birthday is in order for Patrick James! I hope you've had a spectacular day so far. I just need to grab the golden snitch cookies from the oven and see what Peeves has done with the red and gold streamers I just put up (nothing good, I'm guessing).

  3. Wishing Janne Halla an absolutely splendid birthday! The Honeydukes sweet buffet is right this way and watch out for the non-exploding baloons - Weasley's Wizard Wheezes say they're still experimenting, so they might not be as non-explody as promised.

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  4. Approved

    Lucas Malfoy - First Year

    Viviana Kingston and Lee Pettle - Ravenclaw visitors


    Someone signed up with their email address as their display name. If you don't see your name here and you recently signed up, please try again using your full HOL name as the display name. :)

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