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Gryffindor Common Room


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The play starts with the men washed up on the shores of Circe's island. We could have a backdrop of a rocky landscape with some shrubbery, I imagine it is a Mediterranean island, and tall trees don't really grow around there as far as I can remember. We could have some pieces of wood or a ladder that will serve as the plank to Odysseus' ship, which would be to the side of the stage but still facing the audience, so that the actors would walk through them and climb up to the stage the first time we see them. I think it'd be nice to see the stage as Circe's abode, and emphasise that these men do not belong there.
  2. 1 point
    Elladora sees a beautiful, friendly girl walking over to her. As she approaches, Sabastien leans over and says,”that Manya, she really nice, I think you two would be great friends.” Manya sits down next to Elladora, as they introduce themselves and start talking. They talk about what classes they are taking this term, what classes they are most excited for, and how they got into Hogwarts. Elladora comes from a muggle family so this is all very new and exciting to her. Manya waves to another girl as she approaches the table. “Who’s that?”, Elladora asks. “ That’s Rose. You two will be great friends,” Manya replies. Elladora sees Rose holding some gifts in her hand and realizes she forgot to bring hers. She was running late this morning and totally forgot about them. She remembers that there are 2 cauldron cakes sitting on her nightstand in her room. She will bring them for Manya and Rose tomorrow morning. Rose sits down across from Elladora and Manya, and hands Elladora her gift. It is a beautiful yellow and black scarf. She immediately puts it on and loves it. “This scarf is so pretty, thank you so much, Rose. This is a great final touch to my outfit,” Elladora says enthusiastically. The three girls continue talking about what they are most excited for this year at Hogwarts. “Care of magical creatures is a fun class, but I am most excited for potions class. I am also looking at joining the jeopardy club. I have done a few of the tasks and it was really fun. What about you guys?” Elladora asks.
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