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Prof. Sky Alton

Practical Household Magic - Task 2

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Humming along has always been a way to make time-consuming chores go faster. And even when you have spells to help, a little ditty can still break up the tedium. The publishers would like to recognise this and include a limerick at the start of each chapter, describing how chores are so much easier with a spell or two.

For this task, please come up with a limerick about how you can use magic to make a particular household chore much easier.

Limericks are short rhyming poems with particular rules you need to follow:

1. they should be 5 lines long.

2. the 1st, 2nd and 5th lines should all rhyme with each other.

3. the 3rd and 4th lines should rhyme with each other.

4. The rhythm should be two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed one. If you're not sure how that should sound, look up famous limerick examples and see if you're able to copy the rhythm from there.

We're not expecting perfection for this task, just give it your best shot!

Post your limericks below by 23:59 HOL-time on the 31st of December to earn 10 rubies.

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Use Scourgify when you clean

Be it yellow or be it green

Be what colour may the muck

Be it house, or your truck,

Even though dirty had it been.



Edited by Galena May

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The duster is swift in its flight,
It cleans every spot with its might,
It dances around the room,
Rids out all the gloom,
And made everything gleam pure and bright.

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