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Janne Halla

Hairy Snout, Human Heart - Task 2

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In the recent decade, there’s been a lot of progress on the right treatment of werewolves and their rights. Unfortunately, the world wizarding education system seems to be behind on that regard.


Imagine you are a member of the Board of Governors for a chosen wizarding school. Write a proposal outlining new policies for the treatment of werewolf students. Your proposal needs to be at least 100 words long and include at least 5 new policies.


Post your proposals below by 23:59 HOL-time on 31st May to earn 10 rubies.

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The Board of Governors at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry recognizes the need to modernize our policies regarding students suffering from Lycanthropy. We believe in fostering an inclusive environment where all students, regardless of any physical condition, can thrive.


Hereby, we propose the following policies and measures to ensure the well-being and academic success of our students who fall into this category.


1. Safe Transformation Quarters: Dedicated private quarters will be provided for werewolf students, a day in advance of their full moon transformations. These quarters will be soundproofed, equipped with appropriate restraining mechanisms (if necessary, even after administering the Wolfsbane Potion), reinforced walls, a reinforced door and no windows. In order to make the room less suffocating, adequate ventilation will be provided with the help of tiny vents all across the room, only enough to allow air to pass in and out of the quarters. Should the student so desire, an enchanted ceiling of their choice would be created for them within the room. The room will be accessible only by authorized personnel.


2. Potion and Medical Support: The school will provide a stock of Wolfsbane Potion for enrolled students suffering from Lycanthropy. We will also explore the feasibility of setting up an on-site brewing operation for the Wolfsbane Potion in large quantities. Additionally, trained mediwizards and healers will be available to address any physical or emotional distress related to transformations.


3. Flexible Class Schedules and Academic Requirements: Recognizing the potential for fatigue and discomfort after transformations, werewolf students will be offered flexible schedules. This may include adjusted class times, the option to attend certain lessons during a special session conducted only for the werewolf students, or alternative assignments during transformation periods.


4. Educational Program: A mandatory educational program will be implemented for the entire student body. This program will address werewolf biology, and the effects of lycanthropy, and dispel common myths and prejudices.


5. Destigmatization and Specialized Support Group: In collaboration with qualified professionals, we will establish a support group specifically for werewolf students. This group will provide a safe space to share experiences, address anxieties, and foster a sense of equality.

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We, the Board of Governors at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, have heard your concerns regarding werewolves and have come together to outline new policies that will ensure the safety and inclusivity of werewolf students.


1. Werewolves Anonymous: We want to ensure that everyone at Beauxbaton feels safe and supported. Students may attend a counseling session at any time, whether one-on-one with a trusted counselor or as a group session, and confidentiality is guaranteed.


2. Absentee Forms: We will now implement new absentee forms, with effects from a full moon or transformation now being accepted as valid excused absences.


3. Treatments: Wolfsbane Potion will be abundant in the nursing station, and we have waived the previously required parental consent forms to administer the treatment.


4. Discrimination Repercussions: Punishment for those who target students for being werewolves will be taken seriously and given out accordingly, with guilty parties possibly facing expulsion.


5. Dorm selection: We are now offering dorm selections to all students, where you may switch dorms throughout the year with no questions asked, with the option to choose your dormmate if both parties agree. The Academy will begin to offer single dorms to a select few who qualify, with half reserved for werewolf students who may want them.

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1. Education For All Students - All students will have education about werewolves included as part of their course from their first year of schooling. These classes will cover how to protect themselves and their friends from werewolves without hurting the wolf, as well as honest education about what it is like to be a werewolf to help with destigmatisation, and how they can help any of their friends who may have lycanthropy.

2. Mental Support For Werewolves & Affected Students - Being a werewolf can be mentally difficult, and so all students with lycanthropy will have unrestricted access to a trained team of mental health professionals who can help them with these issues. These resources will also be available to students who may have friends or family who are werewolves, or who have encountered or had other experiences involving them.

3. Free Wolfsbane Potion - All werewolf students are entitled to free Wolfsbane potion, if they can not afford it themselves.

4. A Safe Space For Full Moons - A safe space will be provided for werewolf students to transform during the full moon, keeping them away from harm, each other, and other unaffected students.

5. Important Dates Scheduled Around The Moon Cycle - Important dates such as exams and balls will not be scheduled during a full moon, to ensure that all students with lycanthropy can get the most out of their education, and not miss important days due to their condition.

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