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Gryffindor Common Room

Isa Vestal

Second Years
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Everything posted by Isa Vestal

  1. Isa Vestal

    1 - 10 000

    6732 (yup! I mean, it was my mistake in the first place so)
  2. Isa Vestal

    1 - 10 000

    6730 (you might want to edit your comment. I messed up earlier and put 6768 instead of 6728)
  3. Isa Vestal

    1 - 10 000

    6728 (hahah it’s totally fine to leave and go off for a while! A lot of us just post and leave for a few hours but I applaud you for your dedication :D)
  4. Isa Vestal

    1 - 10 000

    6722 (I can’t believe that happened twice!)
  5. I slap Emerald for her great choice of flowers for the End of the Year Feast :D
  6. This is a school called Durmstrang which is known for association with the Dark Arts. (Question: does the sentence have to be factual or can it be random and silly :D )
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