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Gryffindor Common Room

Isa Vestal

Second Years
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Everything posted by Isa Vestal

  1. Ooh, that's difficult but I'd probably go with a visit to the Headmaster's tower. Getting to talk to all the portraits of past Headmasters in the Headmaster's office about their experiences teaching Hogwarts and just getting to know them would definitely be cool. Also, I've always been interested in all the knick-knacks that teachers have like Barty Crouch Jr's Secrecy Sensor and Umbridge's Blood Quill and would love to get to poke around in the Headmaster's collection of magical items, not even to mention things like the Pensive, the sword of Gryffindor, and the Sorting Hat.
  2. That’s true, Sky. I’d never even given the gargoyle in front of Dumbledore’s office a second thought! I like Raevia’s theory on how long the objects have been feeding off magic which seems to make sense for transfigured items but I wonder how that would work for conjured animals (like the snake during the dueling club or the flock of birds Hermione sent at Ron). I was looking through the wiki pages and Pottermore for any clues to how animate an object would get and, according to one reddit user, Piertotum Locomotor was also used to animate the chess board guarding the Philosopher’s stone and the chess pieces didn’t seem to be able to think or act for themselves but do respond to stimuli in a rather programmed manner. Also, I relate to you, Raevia. I tend to always break things, especially mechanical technology for some reason. I’ve already broken my phone and damaged my computer several times and it would be so helpful to just “reparo” everything back.
  3. My favorite would have to be “Piertotum Locomotor” which is the spell Professor McGonagall uses right before the Battle of Hogwarts in which she makes statues and suits of armor become animate. I’m not exactly sure to what degree this spell makes objects animate (like, if they can talk or think in addition to moving or it’s just that they’re under the spell-castor’s command) but it’s still an awesome spell that I’d definitely like to see used more often!
  4. Isa Vestal

    ABC game

    Continuing the trend of magical creatures: Jobberknoll!
  5. Guilty. I memorized the Tale of Three Brothers for fun when I was little and still remember it. Played games or watched YouTube for a long period of time while on the toilet?
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