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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Sky Alton

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Everything posted by Prof. Sky Alton

  1. Happy birthday to Prof. Jenny Lupin. Have an absolutely Gryfftastic day!
  2. Great to have you here, Dani!
  3. Not sure, they're not a Hogwarts Student but they have attended a school.
  4. No, they're not a villain in the story
  5. Yep, got it just in the nick of time. Your turn
  6. There is a U _u__o_ Lives: 1
  7. Let's go, Gryffindor, let's go! Let's make these last few days count.

    1. Carrie Warts
    2. Iverian Gnash

      Iverian Gnash

      YESSS GRYFFINDOR, let's keep bringing in those points :D Carrie, *ROTFL* XD

  8. (Bet that got your attention... ;)) We’re so close to the end of term now! Gryffindor is holding steady in third place and I can’t tell you how utterly amazing that is. For years we’ve come in last but this year, with all your hard work and lion’s pride, we have the power to change that in a big way. But we can’t rest on our laurels. It’s up to all of us to ensure that Gryffindor finishes as strongly as possible. So come on, Gryffies! Let’s keep turning in that homework, getting those last minute department submissions in on time and writing for the house newspapers. Remember, you have until the 14th for the departments, the 15th for SerpenTimes and the 21st for our own Paw Print. Make sure you check out the ‘Point Earning Opportunities’ thread for more details. We’re doing brilliantly but we have to keep that up until the very last second. Everyone and everything can make a difference so even if your contribution feels small, it matters. Let’s go, Gryffindor, let’s go!
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