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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Sky Alton

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Status Updates posted by Prof. Sky Alton

  1. It's nearly the end of term! Make sure you know your deadlines, folks. It's never too late to achieve. Go lions!

  2. Remember it's your last chance to earn rubies today!

  3. Fun and games on IRC at 5 PM HOL-Time! Come join us in #gamesroom: it's the perfect chance to mingle with other HOLers. Even if you're totally new to IRC, it would be a great time to stick a toe in.

  4. Go dive in to our seasonal 'Choose Your Own Adventure' activity! There's a whole castle full of party preparations for you to explore.

  5. The class list is out! Go forth and sign up, have fun and earn points!

  6. The Gryfftoberfest countdown has begun! Go and submit mottos!

  7. Have you ventured into the Gryfftoberfest ren fair yet?Which is your favourite part so far?

  8. Games and fun on IRC at 5 PM HOL! It would be amazing to see some lions there! Join us in #gamesroom

  9. It's the final deadline for most classes today. Have you done your homework? Remember it's never too late to earn some points!

  10. Class sign-ups are open! Go Do Gryffindor proud, learn all you can and bring home lots of points (don't forget the points)

  11. You have until midnight to submit your third task! How are you going to appease the centaurs?

  12. Deadline for the first task is just over 12 hours away. Remember to get those pictures and stories in on time!

  13. You have just over a day to sign up for the forest adventure and submit your Av/Sigs! If you're still looking for a partner, post in the appropriate thread and we'll make sure you're matched in time.

  14. Get those Gryfftoberfest mottos in! Just over a day until the deadline. :D

  15. Over 400 extra house points are up for grabs around the castle right now. Head over to Madam Pince's board to find out how you can earn all of them. Let's go, Gryffindor, let's go!

  16. Gryfftoberfest 2017! Come one, come all and join us for fun in the forest.

  17. Want to tell someone how great they are? Go make them an award in our superlatives thread!

  18. Remember to get your Scavenger Hunt answers and Gone Questing responses in before midnight HOL-time tonight! Last chance to bag yourself some rubies before the term ends.

  19. Remember you have until 11:59 PM HOL-time tomorrow to earn the last rubies of the school year. There are awards up for grabs so get questing and feasting.

  20. Scared is what you're feeling. Brave is what you're doing.-Emma Donoghue

  21. It's Hol Writing Month!  Words, worlds, fun and points!!! (Did I mention precious shiny, shiny points?). Join in and solve the ancient mystery of why a Lion is like a writing desk....

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