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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Sky Alton

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Everything posted by Prof. Sky Alton

  1. Wishing our very own reigning Mx Gryffindor, Amanda P. X. Sim, another amazing birthday!
  2. 3560 Iverian, please only post one number at a time and wait for someone else to go before going again.
  3. Class sign up opened today which means it’s decision time! Time to try answer the eternal question of how exactly you whittle down a massive longlist to just 5 choices or less. How’s everyone getting on? Have you picked your classes yet? Are there any that particularly excited you when you first saw them?
  4. It's nearly time! who's excited for the autumn term?

    1. Zach Jameson

      Zach Jameson

      Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
      Teach us something please,
      Whether we be old and bald,
      Or young with scabby knees,
      Our heads could do with filling,
      With some interesting stuff,
      For now they're bare and full of air,
      Dead flies and bits of fluff,
      So teach us things worth knowing,
      Bring back what we've forgot,
      Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
      And learn until our brains all rot

    2. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      *Joins in singing loudly*

  5. It was too perfect to pass up ;) Double
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