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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Hailey Potter

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Status Updates posted by Prof. Hailey Potter

  1. Just signed up for my HOL classes... is it sad that the three I chose this term was because the due dates weren't until June? February is currently trying to kill me. lol...

  2. If I seem uncharacteristically quiet this weekend, it's because Twilight has kidnapped me for the weekend, quite unfortunately. haha! In other news, GO VISIT THE GQT PEP RALLY! \o/

  3. Aww everyone has such wonderful siggies lately on the forum!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSA. Thank you for being so awesome that we get Purple Month annually. And I could name a few other reasons why you're awesome as well. (the ban on the C-word comes to mind....) xD

  5. I get used to the new layout and then BAM. New layout again! So much purple.... yay Purple Month!

  6. Halloween is coming soon

    Spider webs and crescent moons

    Gryffindors take the lead

    Turn in your stuff or we'll get beat!

    Gryfftoberfest can get hairy

    But gryffies can be very scary!

    Greetings from the Spice Squad

  7. Halloween is coming soon

    Spider webs and crescent moons

    Gryffindors take the lead

    Turn in your stuff or we'll get beat!

    Gryfftoberfest can get hairy

    But gryffies can be very scary!

    Greetings from the Spice Squad

    PS: GREAT JOB getting the top Ruby Rapidashes earner for September! We're so proud of you. :D

  8. Last call for those who want to attend the house meeting! Starts in the next few minutes. We hope to see you!

    1. Prof. Tom Foster

      Prof. Tom Foster

      Wish I would have seen this about 4 hours ago haha, I wouldn't have been around, but could have turned on mIRC to not miss anything :)

  9. Rapidashes, WE MISS YOU! Come join in on the den challenges! There's one in Team Red and one in the Rapidash forum!

  10. Working on my second essay (out of three) for my second OWL. :)

  11. Dear Spices, where'd you go? We miss you so! Come visit the SS and post in some workshops? Please? Make me a happy captain! :)

  12. Only a few more HOL hours left of September, so make sure you turn any last minute September homework in!! #This ad brought to you by Spice Squad- We're Rooting for You! xD

  13. PAW PRINT YAY! \o/ is it sad the first thing i run for is "Ask Snape??" SOOO my fave. xD

    1. Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Mine, too~ And the Fanged Frisbees section. :D

    2. Prof. Missa Matz

      Prof. Missa Matz

      Hahaha. I love being Snape. xD

  14. FINALLY blogged for Gryff today. Let me know if I missed something and I'll re-edit. *marks off long weekend To Do list*

  15. Hey you!

    Stop getting a tan!

    Hey you!

    Stop visiting that Ice Cream Van!

    Hey you!

    Stop playing volleyball on the Beach!

    Because HOL's back guys,

    It's time to teach!

    Pick up your quill,

    Score some House Points today,

    And maybe some Rubies too,

    If that's OK!

    Greetings from the Spice Squad

  16. Hey you!

    Stop getting a tan!

    Hey you!

    Stop visiting that Ice Cream Van!

    Hey you!

    Stop playing volleyball on the Beach!

    Because HOL's back guys,

    It's time to teach!

    Pick up your quill,

    Score some House Points today,

    And maybe some Rubies too,

    If that's OK!

    Greetings from the Spice Squad

  17. realized last night when my comp decided to crash whilest i put it asleep i lost my list of SS things to do. now i don't remember half of it.... reason #5690 I want a new comp...

    1. Prof. Hailey Potter

      Prof. Hailey Potter

      Should have written it on Google Calendar as a list! What was I thinking?!?!

    2. Prof. Hailey Potter

      Prof. Hailey Potter

      Ily guys. :) It'll be a while Nina. Prolly around Christmas. I'm thinking about making the change to a Mac...

  18. TOTAL FULL ON IDENTITY CRISIS. Reason #2 I like HOL more than Pottermore... SLYTHERIN?!!? *completely baffled*

    1. Prof. Hailey Potter

      Prof. Hailey Potter

      Honestly you, Nina, and Maddie being in Slyth makes me feel a whole lot better about it. IF I were the only one I think I might cry. lol. The shock is starting to wear off now though...

    2. Chadwick Cadet

      Chadwick Cadet

      The sorting hat isn't completely honest so don't worry about it. Make a few accounts when it opens up and see where you end up the most and that's probably where you belong. One sorting doesn't mean anything heh

  19. Aww first year mails make me smile. Especially when it's a random Huff first year??

  20. ENO!!

    I see you wound up in my den. haha, I guess you knew what you were talking about after all/got your way and now you're one of my partners in crime. xD

  21. Has (finally!) completed my first OWL! Yes! 1 down, 11 to go.

  22. Just so you know... I think choosing an SS co-cap was the hardest decision I've ever had to make in my life... lol.

  23. ..... my friend in RL made it into Gryffindor on Pottermore. I was jealous she was in, now I'm really jealous.

  24. SOOOO much HOL stuff for me to go through today!! So glad I have Fridays off... will spend like all day getting stuff taken care of!

  25. Well I'm really glad I finished my Art and Library Dept projects last night and turned them in. Since ya know. HOL's down for the rest of the month...

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