A couple of years ago I visited the town of Aalen in southern Germany. It was a beautiful day and…
While musing on the theme for this issue, I thought of how scents are often described as sweet. This got…
Due to its naturally sweet nature, honey has been consumed by humans for food since ancient times. Honey is made of…
Chocolate is delicious and has been around in some form or another for a very long time. But where does it actually come from? It’s not like it grows on trees… or does it?
Since Summer has arrived, my brain is going to one of my absolute favorite foods: ice cream! I began wondering…
You probably have heard of veganism. Veganism is not eating any products which come from animals. That means that vegans…
Spring has well and truly sprung and we are progressing through another term in leaps and bounds (okay, I’ll stop). The castle is full of new and returning students and luckily, we have plenty to keep everyone occupied.
Lots of readers actively seek out ways to get closer to the books and authors they love. Whether it’s going to signings, reading fanfiction or buying merchandise, there are many ways to enjoy your favourite reads and express your appreciation that go beyond the page. One of these methods is to actually travel to a destination that was special to the author or even featured within the story itself.
I asked 5 HOL quidditch team members (February Fortescue of Slytherin, Kendra Givens of Ravenclaw, Iverian Gnash of Gryffindor, Prof. Tarma Amelia Black of Hufflepuff, and Maxim Trevelyan of Ravenclaw) 4 questions about their experience with HOL quidditch.
For many of us, summertime is quickly approaching. Many of us are looking forward to outdoor activities and bringing home all sorts of fresh fruits and vegetables. This is the time of year we start thinking about taking our dogs on trips with us and sharing our food. Before beginning our outdoor activities is the perfect time to ask ourselves, “Wait! Is this food safe for my dog to eat?”
The spring term is in full swing and there’s lots going on in Gryffindor tower and beyond. Have you signed up for classes this term?
Have you ever been shopping and noticed someone brought their dog inside the store with them, and wondered if that were legal, and if you could bring your own pet on your next visit? Want to rent an apartment that forbids pets, but you need your dog to help you feel calm and reassured? Are you curious to see if your Sheba has what it takes to visit sick patients at a children’s hospital? If so, read on!
You might have heard the term accessibility being used before (particularly here on HOL). It’s a general term for adaptations that give everyone equal access to things, regardless of any disabilities or other needs they might have. The onus is really on companies, tech developers and governments to make the huge changes that are needed but there’s plenty of tiny and simple steps you can take to help as well. If enough people take them, one day they might be second nature.
The Gryffindor Quidditch Team is looking for new members to join!
Welcome back to the Paw Print! The term has flown by and the castle is resplendent in its usual winter’s cape of snow. Secret elves are busy making gifts, the houses are alive with their December activities and the end of term is creeping nearer (have you done your homework yet?).