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Prof. Hailey Potter


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Zombies?! Who said anything about zombies?! >_________>


Well... now that I have you here....


Hey, you! YEAH, YOU! 

Do you love Fumei? Of course you do! 


Well, guess what?! 


Last week our wonderful Fumei had a birthday. But for some strange reason, she's been very sad. It's like she sits in the corner looking sad. I'm not quite sure what's wrong with her... maybe she's finally gone mad from all that working she does as a nurse.... I'm not really sure. We're certainly worried, though... 


I know one way to fix it, though. There's a Paw Print issue that Fumei wants to put out. She has a dream for this issue.... that it's the best issue of the Paw Print we've ever had. 


But to make this happen, we need amazing articles! 


So... in order to make Fumei happy again... we're going to need everyone who loves Fumei to turn in some articles over the next few days. 


No idea what to write about? Write about Spring. Write about a movie, book, video game, television show, musical album, or anything else you've recently been around that you've liked (or hated... but no spoilers, please)! Maybe that controversial How I Met Your Mother finale. Write about all the reasons you love Fumei in celebration of her birthday! Write an Ode to Peeves. Write a short story, or poetry. Tell us about a new recipe you tried... then give us the recipe! Write about how you are terrible at writing. Write about how much you love or hate I Love Hogwarts (and how evil the tasks were)! Write about how excited you are for summer. Tell us how you're having the best (or worst) year ever. Write about an irrational fear you have, write about a crazy thing you want to do once in your life. Tell us about how Guinevere Two Hits Avalon inspired you to play Quidditch. Tell us about a new website you've found and fallen in love with. Write about how much you love gifs. Honestly, the options are completely endless... (As long as they follow HOL rules, of course!)


You can be a Gryffindor and write. You can be a first year and write. You can even be from another house and write. And you also get house points! 


But the most important thing here is making Fumei happy again. Show her how much you care by turning in your articles to thegryffpawprint@gmail.com by midnight HOL time Friday! (That's almost 4 days!)

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