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Prof. Missa Matz

Gryfftoberfest Signature and Avatar Contest!

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As many of you know, Gryfftoberfest is all about Gryffindor pride. And when so much of HOL revolves around the use of forums, what better way to show off your pride than through your signature and avatar?

This contest is all about making signatures and avatars that show Gryffindor pride. How you choose to do so is up to you. You may also make use of the winning entry for the motto contest that just ended in your graphics. But you don't have to use the motto if you don't want to. However, if you use a motto, use the official one please. Try to include "Gryfftoberfest 2013" in your graphic as well (not required though).
This year's motto is: "Gryffindor - Where 2+2 most definitely does not equal 4.


The winning entries may then be used throughout the month of October here and on the HOL forums in place of what you usually use.

Have fun all!

Signatures and avatars will be voted on separately by the SPD Committee to determine the top 3 for each category.
-5 beans for each entry (3 maximum)
-5 additional beans for 3rd place
-10 additional beans for 2nd place
-15 additional beans for 1st place

There are 2 separate contests - signatures and avatars. So the beans count for each contest. That means submitting 3 signatures and 3 avatars will earn you 30 beans minimum, 15 for each category.


-All designs should be your own. Do not take them from elsewhere.
-Do not customize graphics with your own name, doll, or picture. These graphics will be available for all to use.
-You can send in just a signature, just an avatar, or both (though they will be judged separately).
-Signatures should be at most 250 pixels in width and 100 pixels in height. And they must be less than 250 KB.
-Avatars should be at most 100 pixels by 100 pixels. And they must be less than 25 KB.
-All students, prefects/JPs (den or SPD), and professors may take part in this contest! I know staff members like beans too.
-You may submit as many graphics as you want, but only the first 3 of each type will count for participation. All beyond 3 will still be included in voting.
-Graphics need to be of appropriate rating. Nothing obscene or offensive.
-Graphics should be submitted to spd@gryff.net with one of the following subject lines depending on the category:
"Signature - HOL Name - HOL ID" or "Avatar - HOL Name - HOL ID" minus the quotations. Please fill in HOL Name and HOL ID with your own name and ID.

The deadline to submit your graphics is October 9th at 11:59 pm HOL Time!

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