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Prof. Hailey Potter

Spice Squad Updates

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Um, just because of what is going on in my head tonight on this topic, I thought I might post here in announcements....

Yes, Spices, Spice Squad is currently under construction! What does this mean? This means that, in order to make the Squad more productive, I have decided to give our area, in Kailey's words, "a makeover." Over the next week or so (hopefully it won't take me more than a week!!!), things are going to be changing in our common room space, hopefully for the better! :D

How much the forum could be changing could mean a variety of things: I might reorganize a few threads and stop there, or I might archive and then delete 90% of the threads and start from scratch. I really haven't decided 100% yet. This also may (somewhat) include a bit of a revamping in Spice Jar and Old Spice. although my main focus will be the Spice Squad subforum itself.

So if you come into Spice Squad in the next few days to discover over half of the forum thread missing, please don't be alarmed! I'm only spring cleaning so that we can have room and space to focus on more Spicey things; I'm currently thinking about a return to Spicey basics and rebuild from there....

Hang with me, Spices. I'm hoping, once done, we'll have a new place with a more focused overview instead of a whole bunch of overwhelming ideas going all over the place....

Not that ideas are bad, of course. :) I'm just beginning to build a new vision and hope to get us up to full capacity very soon. I'll explain more once I get things back up and running, and will post here when I am finished with the upgrade!


Hailey Potter

Spice Squad Captain

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Spice Squad's makeover is done! I did ultimately decide to begin fresh. I invite all Spices to return and look around and begin posting!

I do have a request that Spices who are not captains do not start new topics. My hopes are that the workshop categories will fit any idea you might have. Please find the category that fits your idea the best and post there!!! I organized this hoping that with fewer topics we might be more productive, so please keep that in mind when you enter!

If you are a Spice and have lost or forgotten the password, please send me a PM. I will be glad to give you the password again!!

And please, don't be afraid to post, Spices. The more Spices we have posting their ideas and helping us in our projects, the better the Squad is! We have a whole lot more fun when we have a lot of Spices participating, and our projects are much more amazing as well.

Now let's have some Spicey fun, girls, and get back to our amazingly crazy ideas!!!

P.S. If you're reading this and are interested in joining Spice, just click here to find out how!

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