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Gryffindor Common Room

Adeline Morior

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Posts posted by Adeline Morior

  1. If I made an ice sculpture for the fair. And let imagen that I poses such a skill even. I would choose something to represent Hogwarts in itself. Such as the crests of all the houses. Perhaps an elaborate sculpture of 3 dimensional animals that represent the four houses standing over each other on a mountain cliff or looking up at the sky in proud confidence next to each other. Perhaps even make a small Hogwarts sigil at the foot of all these mighty looking creatures to represent our proud school and home.

  2. I have more than one favorite hot drink. I love my coffee and used to drink 15 cups a day (I know… I’ve cut it down to 5 and maybe 8 on a really stressful day). It is my go to comfort drink and it provides me with the heat and warmth my body cannot produce by itself. For a real treat I will drink a Cafe Mocha with honey and hazelnut or Latte green tea Matcha. For a healthier favorite I would turn to green tea with strawberry and lemongrass. I prefer warm drinks over cold ones because of my lack of body heat. And it is soooooo comforting and relaxing to drink. I must say my dream is to try a nice butterbeer one day.

  3. I remember looking over toward something to my right that moved. Could have sworn it was a horse or something as big, when I tripped over a huge tree root, causing me to tumble over head first. As usual being a bit disorientated I looked around to find no one near me. Moving around the tree to look on all sides if I spot any human movement. Why is this tree so big? I reach the other side and find, Nothing. Got distracted as always and now I’m lost. ‘Halo’, I call out and wait. Nothing again. I suppose it’s not unusual for me to get distracted or lost. Why did I try and help out again? Doesn’t matter. It is fairly cold out here. I look up to see if I can spot any marker or indication of which direction to head. The trees over most of the sky. I suddenly jump at the sound of someone calling my name. Did I imagine it? The call comes again but louder. ‘Over here!’ I call out a bit too eager to have been found. I run around the tree toward the sound only to find nothing. There's no one there…

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