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Gryffindor Common Room

Shadow Gaunt

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Everything posted by Shadow Gaunt

  1. Swimming in the Hogwarts lake. At least I’m close enough to people that I can call for help. Would you rather never be able to read your favorite book, or never be able to eat your favorite food?
  2. False. Though it seems fun to try. Has scuba dived before?
  3. Innocent. Though I have come close, I caught it before it touched the floor (does that count?) Has nibbled on the back of a pen/eraser/stylus?
  4. True. Very true. Loves wearing darker colors in the summer more than lighter colors?
  5. Change your Gryffindor profile picture to a lion. (I have no ideas) Duck
  6. Guilty. There are many books that I love as much as Harry Potter such as Paddington Has accidentally switched look alike bottles/containers?
  7. A villain in my favorite one. Cause that means I’ll be a wizard in Harry Potter. Would you rather work somewhere with a very large amount of work, but no schedule (can work at any time, anywhere), or work somewhere with a little amount of work, but a strict schedule?
  8. True. So true. Has books in the randomest of places?
  9. True. Especially with marshmallows. Likes paperbacks books more than hardcover books?
  10. Australia. Would you rather be afraid of the dark or heights? (And not be afraid of the other)
  11. Innocent. Has accidentally spilled a drink on a book?
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