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Gryffindor Common Room

Shiloh Adlar

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Everything posted by Shiloh Adlar

  1. Guitar I am thinking of a science fiction author
  2. True! Likes cold over hot
  3. Shiloh Adlar

    ABC game

    Opalescent Blue (It's a quidditch trivia answer.)
  4. Guilty Has sent a text or an email that you regret?
  5. This here is would be my crest. It shows my love for ballet with the pointe shoes, reading with the book behind the pointe shoes. There is also a heart that represents that my belief in love, kindness, respect, and harmony for all living things. I added the symbol for medicine since I love the field and plan to work in tropical medicine one day. The last part is the owl which represents Athena for her wisdom and my love of Greek mythology.
  6. Innocent. I tend to remember my really cool dreams and write them down in a dream diary. Has planned to meet up with someone and then cancelled last minute
  7. True I am a quidditch player after all. How could I not fantasize about flying? has been or is involved in ballet classes
  8. Bravery can be standing up for something you believe in, protecting someone or protecting yourself, or continuing to go on through life even when it feels like life has no meaning anymore or that you don't deserve it. Bravery to some people is stepping out on a stage in front of an audience of over 2000 people and dancing like there's no one else in the room. Bravery can be admitting that you made a mistake. These are all things I have experienced in one way or another, myself or through someone else. One thing I also had to learn is that bravery can also mean just being yourself in a world that tries to make people conform to a type or an ideal. It's really hard to go out everyday and be different and have no desire to be like everyone else when society is telling me that I should be this or I should be that or I should look a certain way or do certain things just to be accepted. Brave is taking my hand and pushing all of that aside and saying, "That's nice, but I think I'm going to just be me today because I'm kind of awesome and that's good enough."
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