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Prof. Maxim Trevelyan

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Everything posted by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan

  1. Approved Winter Silverthorn - Slytherin Visitor
  2. People who turned in the correct solution: Dibyarup James Potter Ellie Vernez Lex Green River Fenwick
  3. A lot of people like intense, yet somewhat harmless weather conditions. Some like to watch or listen to thunderstorms, go north into the cold to watch northern lights, mountaineer in snow conditions or just like to stand in the rain. Solve the tents and trees puzzle below to see where people put up tents to observe mother nature in all her glory. Find all of the tents. Every tent is attached to exactly one tree, and every tree is attached to exactly one tent. The number of tents is the same as the number of trees. The clues tell you how many tents are in that row or column. A tent can only be found horizontally or vertically next to a tree. Tents are never next to each other, neither vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. A tree might be next to two tents but is only connected to one. Send your solution to me and one other organizer through private message (Subject: April Showers Task 11) by 11:59 pm HOL-time on 30th April to earn 10 rubies.
  4. People who turned in the correct solution: Adeline Morior Dibyarup James Potter Ellie Vernez Lex Green River Fenwick
  5. Did you know that lightning is one of the oldest observed natural phenomena on earth? Until the late 18th century, it was believed that ringing church bells repelled lightning so many church bells bore the inscription fulgura frango, meaning 'I chase lightning'. A bolt of lightning struck the words below and scattered the letters to the wind! Help put it all together to reveal the hidden message. Click here for a bigger picture. Send your solution to me and one other organizer through private message (Subject: April Showers Task 8) by 11:59 pm HOL-time on 30th April to earn up to 10 rubies.
  6. Our sky is truly amazing and it seems that it can come in any color, such as forget-me-not, in yellows, reds, violets, and even green if you go North enough to see Aurora Borealis. What colors do you want to see most in the sky? Color in the page below with a wide selection of colors that are pleasing to your eyes. Click here for a bigger version. Post your coloring pages below (600x600 or less) by 11:59 pm HOL-time on 30th April to earn 10 rubies.
  7. Correct solution was turned in by... Adeline Morior Anne-Marie Gagne Chasen Carter Dibyarup James Potter Ellie Vernez Hiya Debnath Lex Green Maeve Madden River Fenwick
  8. Despite how deep some of our denizens live, from time to time, they can be seen by Muggles. Loch Ness is home to many creatures, but no one is more famous than Nessie. Muggles think it is a myth or just some sort of monster, but we all know the lake is home to a kelpie! Click here to see one of many artistic renditions of the Loch Ness Monster. There are 120 puzzle pieces. If you change the number of pieces, you will not get any credit. Post your jigsaw below with the time and number of pieces visible by 11:59 pm HOL time on the 30th of April to earn 10 rubies! Please also keep it 600x600 or less.
  9. Magic cannot solve everything, sometimes, it even gets you more trouble. Magical Maintenance workers of The Daily Prophet's offices are on strike! Until their demands were met, they spelled the worst winds inside the offices, which jumbled up several articles. Most affected were the weather reports, whose weather phenomena were mixed each and every way. Correctly unscramble the jumbled letters below. lneycoc gtninglhi norodta hlaismtor rgdtohu hanavcale moonnos edlrziz oruepwtats zrladibz You will get 1 ruby per correct unscramble, for a total of 10 rubies. Send your solution to me and one other organizer through private message (Subject: April Showers Task 2) by 11:59pm HOL-time on 30th April to earn up to 10 rubies.
  10. What a glorious purple, gold and green month that was! It has been wonderful to see all the creativity and enthusiasm you all poured into your submissions. Of course, the throws from the carnival floats were not the only shiny things on offer. You should all have received your rubies by now but if you spot anything wrong, please let me know so I can look into it for you. Adeline Morior: 110 Anne-Marie Gagne: 50 Artemisia Thorne: 110 Chasen Carter: 10 Dibyarup James Potter: 140 Evie Figg: 40 Evony Senoj: 10 Harry Walles: 10 Hiya Debnath: 140 Lex Green: 78 Livi Minerva Weasley: 10 Louis Walles: 7 Maeve Madden: 40 Prof. Will Lestrange: 40 River Fenwick: 140 Scarlet Robloutain: 110 Viviana Kingston: 10 Now, before we head on back to the castle, have you collected up all your beads and doubloons and savored the last of your snacks? And I dare say there’s time for one more dance…
  11. You have a little over 24 hours to complete all tasks and get yourself some rubies!
  12. The Mardi Gras has finished and it is lucky that all partygoers were given a magical bag of holding. It has an extension charm placed on it, so that it can hold as many items as possible. What did you get at Mardi Gras? How many beads did you catch? Have you taken any photos? Maybe got a souvenir or two? Did you squirrel away any food to be shared around the fireplace? You can show your haul in two ways. You can make a graphical representation (600x600 pixels or less, please) of your haul in any medium and within HOL rules. While you can borrow pictures from the internet, the final product must be of your own creation. You can also describe it in at least 80 words. Post your haul below by 11:59pm HOL-time on 29th February to earn 10 rubies.
  13. Correct solutions were sent by: Adeline Morior Artemisia Thorne Dibyarup James Potter Hiya Debnath Lex Green* Prof. Will Lestrange River Fenwick Scarlet Robloutain
  14. Puzzle by Lorainia Riverrider, text by Prof. Sky Alton Did you realise we’re in the presence of royalty? Many krewes appoint a court to feature in the parades, consisting of a king, a queen and potentially other nobles and/or attendants. These people are usually krewe members but celebrities have been chosen in the past. To celebrate the king of the carnival, solve the following spot the difference puzzle. You’ll earn 1 ruby per difference spotted (for a total of 10). Send your solution to Prof. Maxim Trevelyan via PM by 23:59 HOL-time on the 29th of February!
  15. Correct solutions were turned in by: Adeline Morior Anne-Marie Gagne Artemisia Thorne Dibyarup James Potter Hiya Debnath Lex Green Maeve Madden Prof. Will Lestrange River Fenwick Scarlet Robloutain
  16. Correct solutions were sent by: Artemisia Thorne Dibyarup James Potter Hiya Debnath Lex Green Maeve Madden Prof. Will Lestrange River Fenwick
  17. Correct solutions were sent by: Adeline Morior Anne-Marie Gagne Artemisia Thorne Dibyarup James Potter Hiya Debnath Lex Green Maeve Madden River Fenwick Scarlet Robloutain Viviana Kingston
  18. Being a magizoologist is not just looking at brilliant magical creatures and feeding them. Their job is also to raise awareness about many aspects of magical creatures that still roam among us. For example, our very subject of this month's Light Reading, Newt Scamander once saved the wizarding world's last pair of Graphorns from extinction. Our focus this time, however, are Golden Snidgets. They have become very endangered because they used to be used in Quidditch before the snitch was invented. When they were caught, they got squished. Their use was later forbidden due to no small amount of effort by Modesty Rabnott who got a Snidget Reservation named after her. To raise awareness in the wizarding community about these endangered creatures, please design a window sticker that witches and wizards could put on their dwellings. The sticker needs to have a good mix of pictures and text, but it also needs to catch attention! Post your window stickers below (keep them 600x600 or less) by February 29th 11:59 pm HOL time to get 10 beans.
  19. One of the wizarding world's most majestic creatures (and one most students are very eager to learn about when they first open Fantastic Beasts) is undoubtedly the unicorn. Even Muggles' stories often feature them! They are incredibly fast and hard to catch, but give the most potent of magical ingredients in either wand or potion-making. Unfortunately, being a popular page, the illustration in the copy belonging to the Hogwarts Library has become damaged (we think someone may have spilled a potion on it). Can you help us restore it? Put together the illustration, found here and post the completed picture below. Do that by February 29th 11:59 pm HOL time to get 10 rubies. Make sure that the time and number of pieces (99) is visible on the submission. The submission also needs to be max 600x600 pixels in size.
  20. Puzzle by Lorainia Riverrider, text by Prof. Sky Alton Masks are an essential part of Mardi Gras. In fact, in New Orleans, it’s illegal for anyone riding on a float not to wear one! As well as bringing an exciting mystery to the party, masks historically levelled the playing field. They let everyone go where they wanted and party with whoever they wanted, regardless of who they were or what class they were from. While thankfully that’s not as much of a concern these days, masks are still a fun tradition that we should take full advantage of while we’re here. Prepare yourself a Mardi Gras mask by solving this Nonogram puzzle. Each puzzle consists of a blank grid with colored clues on the left of every row and on the top of every column. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting blocks in each row and column so their length, color and sequence corresponds to the clues, and there is at least one empty square between adjacent same-color blocks. It is allowed to have no empty square between adjacent different-color blocks. To earn 10 rubies, please send your solution to me, Prof. Maxim Trevelyan, by the 29th of February at 23:59 HOL-time!
  21. One of the famous Muggle philosophers said that 'knowledge is power'. In order to seamlessly blend into Muggle culture, you do not only need an appropriate dress for the occasion, but you also need to know certain things about the situation you are walking into. To ready yourselves for the trip, please answer the trivia about Mardi Gras below. Each correct answer is worth one ruby. If you get them all correct, that will net you 10 rubies! 1. What does Mardi Gras translate to in English? 2. What do purple, gold and green signify during Mardi Gras? 3. Where was the first Mardi Gras parade in the United States? 4. When were floats first introduced to New Orleans Mardi Gras parades? 5. King cake is typically made with what type of dough? 6. What is usually hidden in Louisiana version of King cake? 7. What traditional phrase should you say if you want to get beads during Mardi Gras (be exact)? 8. Mardi Gras beads used to be made of what material? 9. Special coins thrown during Mardi Gras parades are called what? 10. What are the groups that organize New Orleans Mardi Gras parades called? Please send your answers to me, Prof. Maxim Trevelyan, via private message by the 29th of February at 11:59 pm HOL-time!
  22. Welcome students to this year's Muggle Studies class trip! I have been talking with Prof. Alton about the class trip for this year. She shot down nearly all my ideas! Safari is too dangerous (something about student-hungry hippos?), space too unattainable and caves too dark (though she was nearly persuaded by the promise of me bringing back shiny things for her office). So, I thought, why not a Muggle party? Weeks-long Muggle party at that. With February drawing near, it was a perfect time to visit Mardi Gras in New Orleans. For those who have had little contact with the Muggle world, some quick information about what Mardi Gras is. Mardi Gras is a Muggle festival rooted in centuries-old traditions and unfolds annually in the heart of New Orleans, a city teeming with rich history and culture. As part of our learning experience, we invite you to step into the bustling streets where Muggles converge to revel in the spirit of celebration, marked by dazzling parades, vibrant costumes, rhythmic music that echoes through the historic French Quarter, delectable cuisine, and partake in the lively dances that make this celebration so famous. There will be twelve tasks offered during this activity, with three being published every week. Each task will be worth 10 rubies and people who complete all tasks will get an extra 20 rubies. That is 140 rubies in total! Timeline February 1: Week One posted February 8: Week Two posted February 15: Week Three posted February 22: Week Four posted February 29: everything due If you have difficulty completing a particular task for accessibility reasons, please reach out and we can discuss an alternative.
  23. If you have any questions about the activity, you can ask them here to send me a private message.
  24. Approved Ayumu Yamamoto - Slytherin Visitor Rejected Someone signed up with their email address as their display name. If you do not see your name here and you recently signed up, please try again using your full HOL name as the display name.
  25. Whichever you want, as long as it is clearly legible which belongs to which.
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