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Prof. Tom Foster

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Everything posted by Prof. Tom Foster

  1. Happy Belated Birthday, Patrick. Glad to hear that you enjoyed your day. :)
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PROFESSOR MISSA. Hope you have a gryfftastic month :)
  3. Happy Birthday, hope it's a good one full of cake, surprises but most of all, fun. :danced:
  4. This is a notice that my laptop charger went boom! So until I am able to get another charger (hopefully soon) I'll still be around, but not as much. :(
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARIO!!! Have a great day and remember to save us some cake :)
  6. Happy Birthday, Katie. Hope it's a Gryfftastic one. :)
  7. Sorry I haven't been around much at all for the last 2 days, but I've been sick.

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAILEY. Hope it's a good one!
  9. Congratulations you 4. We're thrilled to see more JPs. :D
  10. Happy Birthday, Angel! Hope it is or was a good one full of surprises. Don't forget to save us some cake :D
  11. I only play the piano, about to start my third year of piano lessons. :)
  12. Welcome to the first official day of term!!! Let's make it a good one :)

  13. I like broadway (don't like opera though) and like classical and country and somewhat pop and somewhat rock. Dance music is alright, depending what kind of dance music and some religious music is good too. I don't really like R&B as much and not a fan of rap, metal, or jazz. Never really heard about reggae, K-pop, J-pop, grunge or Bollywood before though.
  14. I have pets. A 1 year old shih tzu, a 5 year old Calico cat, a 2 year old brown tabby cat, 5 year old dwarf rabbit, a gecko, and 1 aggressive fish. I say aggressive because it ate all the other fish in the tank. We did have 3 cats at one point, but one went missing last summer and never came home. He was a 3 year old grey tabby. We also did have 2 dogs, but my older dog vanished back in January. She was almost 15 years old and a Jack Russell Terrier/lab mix. Very sweet pets. I love them all.
  15. I don't get out very much to see musicals or plays. I saw the Wizard of Oz last December and that was really cool and they say that Annie will be coming this year or next year. I've been to a couple dinner theatres too in the past. Has anyone seen the sound of music? I saw a production of that last summer and it was excellent. I also saw the Vontrap children perform a couple years ago, the great grandchildren of the real vontrap children and that was also really good. What other shows or productions have you seen? :)
  16. Thanks Hailey, it was a very good time away. :)
  17. Hello. I just want everyone to be made aware that I am going away, leaving tomorrow morning around 12 pm HOL time and coming back sometime Sunday night HOL time. I should still be able to check my messages, but won't be around quite as much until Sunday night. Thanks and hope everyone has a great weekend!
  18. The full class list for this upcoming term is now up. Everyone should go and check it out :)

    1. Natasha Wynterborne

      Natasha Wynterborne

      These are great! We can sign up for 10 classes, right?

    2. Prof. Tom Foster

      Prof. Tom Foster

      Lol. Although that would be nice, we can only sign up for 5 classes per term.

  19. This summer is a lot busier than I thought it would be, both on HOL and rl. Hoping things start to slow down!

    1. Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Ugh, I totally know the feeling! Hang in there!

  20. Can't wait to see what classes there are to choose from this coming term :)

  21. Hope you had fun at school and learned lots, Prof. Missa! You don't have to worry about us while you're at school, we'll have things under control :rofl:
  22. Happy birthday you two. Save us some cake!!! Hope you have a great day :)
  23. Well done everyone with graduating and to all who got silver and gold quills! :)

  24. Yep, 2,279 :yahoo: :asciidity: :D
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