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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Missa Matz

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Posts posted by Prof. Missa Matz

  1. Opening the thread early because I'm tired. Will try to stay up and check periodically, so don't wait to shoot, you never know when I'll post responses. If I don't get to it tonight, I'll get it first thing in the morning, of course. Tomorrow is another day where I won't be home, but I won't be home after 1pm pacific time so please post before then!

    Both dens have 3 shots!

  2. Boards are updated! I will try to remain awake as long as possible tonight, but I'm pretty tired, so we'll see. Please make sure you post your shots before 3pm pacific time tomorrow as I will not be home after then.

    DI has 3 shots.

    MI has 2 shots.

    Fire away! :D

  3. Opening the thread a little early. I'm really tired so I will probably be going to bed early. This means if I don't get to you tonight, I'll get it first thing in the morning if your shots are posted. It should be an early morning and I'll be home the whole day, so I can keep checking back.

    DI has 3 shots.

    MI has 2 shots.

  4. Alright, I'm heading out really early for day 2 of the bowling tourney, so I'm updating early. I'll try to get it tonight, but if not I will in the morning.

    MI PMed 2 correct answers, so they have 2 shots to fire.

    DI did not send in a PM, so they do not get to shoot tonight.

    DI: 0 shots

    MI: 2 shots

  5. Board is updated. Opening the thread 30 minutes early. Not sure if I'll be here 2 hours from now, so post shots whenever. I'm home tomorrow until the bowling tournament so I should be checking the board frequently tonight and tomorrow.

    Both dens have 3 shots. Have fun!

  6. Sorry, MI. You've already shot at B5, you are currently in the process of solving the task for that one. As that is the case, you only receive the A5 shot tonight. Tomorrow, if you solve the B5 task, and the new A5 task, you will receive all 3 shots again. Basically, you lose the 1 shot tonight, but it comes into play again tomorrow when the firing thread opens.

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