Poetry – Destinations

By Iverian Gnash

Being my dream, I took a trip,
Apparently reality didn’t have a grip.
I forgot to pack my tent for one,
The food, it weighed a ton.

The shoes were inadequate to say the least,
Putting on my backpack was a beast.
My walking stick was nowhere to be found,
A closed sign was in front of the campground.

I sighed and grumbled the whole way,
I felt as though I’d wasted the day.
Walking back to my car,
The distance, it felt so very far.

Reaching my car, I took off my gear,
I thought of where to go that would be near.
Food was my top priority,
To McDonalds I went with authority.


By Maxim Trevelyan

We were looking forward to this day
A big vacation in the month of May
Camping was our big plan,
But oh, how could we have known,
Campsite would become a danger zone.

First the rain, and then came snow,
We lost our way, some food, some dough,
Critters came and ruined our tents,
We despaired at these events,
And missing our lovely presents.

Despairing we returned,
Our high hopes spurned.
We made ourselves a cuppa tea,
So we decided on our own,
There’s no place like home.


Sleeping Under the Stars

By Sky Alton

Now what better fun could there be
Than sleeping out under a tree?
It was a warm night
The stars they shone bright
It was peaceful as it could be

The ground was a little bit bumpy
And the darkness it made me jumpy
I wouldn’t be cowed
And I sang out loud
So what if my bed’s all lumpy?

As the moon rose high in the sky
And longing for my warm house was I
There came a crashing
I went a dashing
My days of camping were gone by.


By Polaris Black

Before my trip to San Juan
Bad hair day at the salon
Then plane couldn’t fly
Snow fell from the sky
No cabs at Arrivals – c’mon

Signals must’ve gotten crossed
My reservation was lost
Just wanted to shout
When power went out
Should’ve stayed home in the frost