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Guest Kadina Tigano

March Den Challenge!

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Guest Kadina Tigano

I know that many of you thought this two month challenge was maybe a bit of a joke.. :rolleyes: It's not.

More quidditch!! Yaaaay!

This month, as per a fascinating suggestion from Prof. Jenny Lupin, your task will be to commentate a game between your newly created quidditch team and a rival, but clearly inferior team. Or you can let your teams lose too; it's all cool by me.

This account should be a detailed work involving all the action in a quidditch match. You can write it as if you are Luna Lovegood and Lee Jordan, just Lee, someone of your own choosing. The possibilities are endless! Just don't forget to include actions from all seven of the players on each team. Did a chaser make a really good pass, or did all three of them exedeath to the c-word a shoddy hawkshead formation? Include that! Was one of your beaters able to get a really good whack at the bludger? Did your seeker go diving for something on the ground to discover it was an old sneakoscope and get booed by fans? Include that too! It's only as boring as you make it. Feel free to use things from last month's challenge, as well. If you said your seeker is known for doing a particular move, let him or her do it and tell us about it.

This account should be of a decent length as if you were actually commentating an average length quidditch match. I'd say if you were going back and forth between Luna and Lee, this commentary should be at least 4 pages double-spaced in microsoft word. But do manage your time well and keep in mind the next order of business...

This challenge is due in TWO WEEKS, on March 17 at 11.59 HOL time. Please make sure your den leaders send in your commentary(pasted into the body of the email, please. :)) to spd@gryff.net.

Results from the first part of this challenge should be up in about a week, and check back soon for the second part of this month's creative challenge... :wub:

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Guest Kadina Tigano

Sorry guys, I know this is a few days late--we'll see how things run and I may steal a day or two from April and pretend March is just that cool. But I think it'll be okay without it...

I'm sure that most of you have naturally assumed that this challenge would be bringing some quidditch competition between dens.

The quidditch is coming, the quidditch is coming!

Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen events, namely: packing, having no internet at the airport to write up posts, flying home, worrying about Jenny, botting for a quidditch match, reminding myself to breath through everything going on, this month's challenge got a little.. off track and behind schedule. However, I do think that you'll enjoy it anyway! \o/

Unless you're been living under a rock, you know that HOL has been invited to a prestigious competition--the first ever (online) Triwizard Tournament! (And you should join the forum here, if you haven't already!) Not only that, but our own Jenny Lupin is the HOL Champion and has been kicking butt and taking names so far. One thing that interested me was learning about the other schools, and more specifically, as quidditch captain, I wondered how their version of the game worked in comparison to ours. The verdict? There can be a lot of fun ways to play quidditch!

For the second half of this challenge, Jenny and I thought it would be fun to showcase another way to play quidditch since there's no way we would be able to get three matches played between you guys in less than 2 weeks. ^^ So, we're going to play a one-player modified version of quidditch that Jenny has come up with! The how-to-guides will be posted in your den where one person per day may have a turn.

(Please discuss order with your den leaders! I won't let the same person choose two days in a row unless I've spoken with your den leaders!!)

What's more? We're going to hide a snitch for you aspiring seekers to find. ;) Right now I've hidden 27 letters around the common room that creates a five-word phrase. They should be pretty clearly marked, but send me a PM if you have any questions. :) You can make a thread in your den to compile the letters if you like. When you submit them, I need to know where each letter was found and the phrase you think they complete. ^^ Please have your den leader send me the locations and phrase by March 31 at 11.59 HOL time

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Guest Kadina Tigano

Two quick things... As some of you have realized, the phrase is actually six words. And if you haven't well.. I'm sure this will help :)

Second: I'm sorry I've been behind on the trivia postings and such! If you haven't been, keep updating your picks each day and go ahead and add a few days if you haven't. I WILL get to these sometime tomorrow. Cross my heart and hope to die, they will be updated :)

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