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Prof. Hailey Potter

October Den Challenge: Catch the Crook

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Gryfftoberfest is here, and the party has just begun!


There’s only one problem though. Gryffindor house has been rocked by a tragic event. Our own Prefect in Charge in Training (and top house point earner!), Fumei Shirokuro, was discovered after leaving the first Gryfftoberfest party in a shocking state… she’s been petrified!


This has sent HOL into a frenzy. Gryffindors are pointing the finger at the Slytherins, Slytherins are claiming they have been framed. Who would petrify Fumei? All that poor girl does is hibernate; how could she possibly make someone so mad that they would order a basilisk to petrify her?


The Gryffindor staff is beside itself trying to take her many responsibilities and divide them between their already full schedules. Therefore, they do not have the time to discover the person responsible for setting a basilisk on Fumei, nor how she managed to escape death. We don’t even know where it happened!

Therefore, the staff has decided to give this task to the dens to see if they can piece together who exactly is responsible. Before passing this to the dens, the staff was able to get a head start on the case...


Are you a suspect? Who could have done this? Head to YOUR DENS RIGHT NOW and solve the crime!!! The winning den will receive 30 rubies per participating member. CATCH THAT CROOK!!!

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Hello, all! 


I have an announcement to make! 


The crook has been caught and Fumei has been un-petrified! 


It turns out that all of our original suspects were in fact innocent. Fumei was petrified in the Owlery through stained glass... by Basil the basilisk from Slytherin. But alas, it was not a Slytherin student who stuck Basil on our poor Fumei... it was none other than Professor Dario Sehovic, who just wanted Fumei to make him some coffee. 




Both the Sushis and Cakes went head to head throughout the entire month and were able to figure out it was Dario who had Fumei petrified. The poor Pizzas got lost along the way... logic just wasn't their thing.


Therefore, the winning den would have to be left between the Sushis and the Cakes... 


Click the spoiler for the winner! 



Congratulations! They figured it out not only the fastest, but also the most accurately.

Thanks for participating, and your rubies will be rewarded soon! 

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Great job Cakes! 


Sushi's, we can do better and we will do better ;) Unfortunate for the Pizza's though :( 

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